Friday, July 26, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


The Leon Show—Vaccines and our Children

The history [of vaccination] is important because human beings have actually created a lot of their own problems. Now, while they didn’t create the viruses and the bacteria, at least back then they didn’t… today, they are, they created the conditions that made these microbes extremely dangerous. So, when you look at how people were living 150, 200 years ago, let’s take for instance English… where there were peasants that were living out on the land that was owned by the wealthy and they were able to grow their own vegetables and they had clean water that they were able to retrieve on their own, and they were doing okay… And diseases weren’t spreading like wildfire because the population was living farther apart… Then comes something called the Land Enclosure Act where the people that owned the land were then able to say, I don’t want you there anymore, you have to leave. And so all these peasants were forced into the cities, and it was during the industrial revolution.

One Response

  1. wonderful interview..I would say that Dr Humphries’ last suggestion to look at families with multiple kids, and ask about their health..that would be exactly how I would describe my own. My babies were all born in the fist half of the 1970’s, when there were far fewer vaccines and doses than now, but I still restricted what they received, and when. My son had the most severe reactions, so the next one had fewer, and the last one none. Guess who has the best health?

    I also was pressured by doctors but I resisted, and now am glad that it did. The words “non-compliant” appear in my son’s medical record, and to this day, I am angered by them. Who is ultimately responsible for the care of a child? Not the medical system. Not the government. Parents’ rights to choose must be respected and supported.

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