Friday, July 26, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed

The book HPV Vaccine on Trial

Following is an excerpt from a well referenced book on HPV vaccine reprinted in TVR with the permission of the book’s co-authors. Learn more about this recently published book here and here.

Cancer strikes fear in people around the globe. So a vaccine to prevent cancer – as the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is touted to do – seemed like a game-changer. Since 2006 when the US approved the first HPV vaccine, over 125 countries have introduced it to prevent cervical and other HPV-related cancers. The three HPV vaccines bring in over $2.5 billion in annual sales for Merck (Gardasil, Gardasil 9) and GlaxoSmithKline (Cervarix). They have been a pharmaceutical juggernaut, yet scandal has followed worldwide. The HPV vaccine is on trial – literally and figuratively – around the world in courts of law and public opinion.

No one disputes that cancer is a ravaging disease that leads to death, if uncontrolled. But the fact that cancer is a grave disease does not necessarily mean that a vaccine purporting to prevent it is safe and effective for everyone. The US Food and Drug Administration, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the European Medicines Agency, the World Health Organization, and many other public health agencies have embraced the HPV vaccine as a safe and effective way to prevent HPV-related cancers. Here are a few representative statements:

FDA: Based on the review of available information by FDA and CDC, Gardasil continues to be safe and effective, and its benefits continue to outweigh its risks.

CDC: The HPV vaccine is very safe, and it is effective at preventing HPV. Vaccines, like any medicine, can have side effects. Many people who get the HPV vaccine have no side effects at all. Some people report having very mild side effects, like a sore arm from the shot. The most common side effects are usually mild.

WHO: The WHO’s Vaccine Safety Committee considers HPV vaccines to be extremely safe.

EMA: The benefits of HPV vaccines continue to outweigh the known side effects.

These official statements contrast starkly with the reports of devastating injuries and death that we recount in this book. You’ll get to know these and other children and young adults.

Christina Tarsell, 21 years old.
Chris was an undergrad at Bard College, New York. A talented athlete, artist, and honor student, she received three Gardasil doses when she was twenty-one. Shortly after the third dose, she died in her sleep. After eight years of hard-fought litigation in the only judicial forum available, Chris’s mom “won” – the Court of Federal Claims finally acknowledged that Gardasil more likely than not caused the heart attack that led to Chris’s untimely death. You can see Chris, and a memorial to her, in the photo insert.

Alexis Wolf, 13 years old.
In 2007, when Alexis was in 7th grade, she began the Gardasil series. After the second dose, her health deteriorated. After the third, she could no longer focus, sleep, eat, or behave normally. She started to have many seizures every day. She was put in psychiatric hospitals. A year and a half after her symptoms began, Alexis tested at a 4th grade level. Today, at 25, Alexis still suffers from severe neurological injury, including daily seizures. You can see pictures of Alexis both before and after receiving the vaccine in the photo insert.

Joel Gomez, 14 years old.

Joel was an athletic, healthy teenager when he got two Gardasil doses in 2013. Without warning, Joel died in his sleep after the second dose. Joel’s family sued for compensation in the Court of Federal Claims. The family’s expert witness, Dr. Sin Hang Lee, testified that Gardasil likely caused his heart attack. The Department of Justice settled the case, awarding the family almost the full statutory death benefit.

Abbey Colohan, 12 years old.
In a small town in western Ireland, Abbey received the first dose of Gardasil at school. Abbey fainted immediately and then had seizures for more than an hour. Two days later, she passed out again. Abbey started to have chronic pain, fatigue, and frequent fainting spells. Abbey’s teen years have been consumed with illness and hardship. Ireland’s health service denies that Abbey had an adverse vaccine reaction at school.

Colton Berrett, 13 years old.
Colton was an athletic, kind, helpful teenage boy. He loved all outdoor sports. Colton started the three-dose Gardasil series when he was thirteen. Shortly after the third dose, he became paralyzed from the neck down and had to use a ventilator. Through intensive physical therapy, Colton eventually recovered some mobility but remained on a round-the-clock ventilator. He committed suicide two months before his eighteenth birthday. In the photo insert you can see pictures of Colton that convey far more than words ever can.

Lucy Hinks, 13 years old.
Lucy was a healthy English teenager when she began the Cervarix series in her school. Shortly after the third shot, Lucy’s health plummeted. She could barely walk, slept 23 hours a day, and could not think straight. She could not attend school and had to be spoon-fed. Her parents described her as being in a “walking coma.” Through many therapies and treatments, Lucy has substantially recovered but still suffers from chronic fatigue.

Maddie Moorman, 15 years old.
Maddie began the Gardasil series at the gynecologist’s recommendation. After the second shot, Maddie became bedridden and ill. She had debilitating headaches every day and could no longer remember things. Her mom declined the third shot for her. Through conventional and holistic treatment, Maddie’s health began to recover slowly, and she was able to complete high school and go to college. But some of Maddie’s symptoms never abated, including a constant buzzing in her head and the inability to think the way she could before. She took her own life at twenty-one.

We show that the HPV vaccine clinical trials paved the way for such tragic results. Here are some of the little-known facts we’ll explore:

HPV vaccines have never been proven to prevent cervical or any other cancer. Merck and GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturers, did not have to prove that the vaccines prevent cancer. They were allowed to use precancerous lesions as “surrogate endpoints” in the clinical trials. Scientists do not know if the decline in cases of precancerous lesions will translate into fewer cases of cervical cancer in 20-30 years.

Even if they were 100% effective, which they are not, HPV vaccines do not prevent all cases of cervical cancer. The vaccines do not prevent infections from all HPV types associated with cancer, and not all cervical cancer is associated with HPV. HPV vaccines are not a replacement for cervical screening, yet evidence strongly suggests that young women are skipping screening in the mistaken belief that they no longer need it. HPV vaccine marketing hype appears to have contributed to a sharp drop off in cervical screening among young women.

None of the participants in the clinical trials received a true saline placebo. None of the clinical trials included a straightforward comparison of the effects of the vaccine against a true control. We use the term “fauxcebo” to describe the aluminum-containing adjuvants, other vaccines, and chemical mixtures that control subjects received instead of true saline placebos. These fauxcebos masked the adverse effects of the vaccines, making them appear safer than they would have if compared to true placebos.

Merck told young female clinical trial subjects that the vaccine had already been proven safe and that the placebo was saline. Both claims were false. A key purpose of the clinical trials was to establish safety, and the placebo was not saline. Clinical trial subjects suffered because of these lies.

The manufacturers never tested HPV vaccines on human fertility. Although this vaccine is given to adolescents throughout the world, the manufacturers acknowledge in their package inserts that they never tested the vaccine for fertility effects in humans – only rats. We look at the substantial evidence of severe adverse effects on fertility, including miscarriage and premature ovarian failure in girls and young women.

Evidence shows that certain ingredients in HPV vaccines, including sodium borate (also known as borax, a cleaning agent), may have negative effects on fertility. The European Chemicals Agency requires sodium borate to carry the following warning: “DANGER! May damage fertility or the unborn child.” In the US, borax is banned in food but allowed in vaccines.

The manufacturers never tested HPV vaccines to discover if they might cause cancer. The package inserts acknowledge that the vaccines have never been tested for “carcinogenicity.” But clinical trial data suggest that if women have HPV infections when they get the vaccines (and prescreening is not recommended), then they may be at higher risk for precancerous cervical lesions or worse. Some clinical trial participants later developed cancer, including cervical cancer.

The Gardasil clinical trials used a new metric, “New Medical Conditions,” as a way to claim that serious health problems after vaccination were unrelated to the vaccine or aluminum-containing fauxcebo. More than 50% of all clinical trial participants reported “new medical conditions,” including infections, reproductive disorders, neurological syndromes, and autoimmune conditions. The FDA did not question this novel metric or whether the vaccine itself might be contributing to these conditions.

Although 11-12 year olds are the target population for this vaccine (and it is approved for children as young as 9), the vast majority of clinical trial subjects were considerably older. Only a small percentage of participants were twelve or younger, and their age cohort lacked a true saline control placebo, as did the older age groups. Preteens, on the cusp of puberty, have significant biological differences from young adults, the primary age group in the clinical trials. Thus the target population was insufficiently studied before the vaccine received approval.

Doctors and scientists have published peer-reviewed articles on the adverse effects that many young women reported after HPV vaccination. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

Orthostatic intolerance
Cognitive dysfunction
Disordered sleep
Visual symptoms
Blurring of vision
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Neuropathic pain
Motor symptoms
Skin disorders
Voiding dysfunction
Limb weakness
Vascular abnormalities
Irregular period

Despite US government assertions that the vaccine is safe, the federal compensation program for vaccine injury has paid out millions of dollars in damages for HPV vaccine injuries. Families have received compensation for death, brain injury, multiple sclerosis, complex regional pain syndrome, Guillain-Barre syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and other severe, debilitating conditions. We delve into reported HPV vaccine injuries and the pursuit of justice.

All participants in the Gardasil clinical trials who received a “placebo” rather than the vaccine were encouraged to receive HPV vaccines at the end of the clinical trial period. By doing this, Merck destroyed any opportunity for large-scale, long-term safety and efficacy studies of vaccinated versus the original control subjects.

Lawsuits have been filed against Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and government health agencies around world, including in the US, India, Colombia, Japan, Spain, and France. Families want treatment for their injured children and young adults. They also want to hold the manufacturers accountable and to prevent future injuries to other children.

National and international health agencies are working hand-in-glove with the HPV vaccine manufacturers to promote, advertise, finance, recommend, and even compel children to get HPV vaccines. We have included examples of CDC and UK National Health Service ads for HPV vaccines in the photo insert.

The US government earns royalties from Merck and GSK for licensing HPV vaccine technology. Scientists at the National Institutes of Health, with others, participated in the invention of HPV vaccines. While receiving millions of dollars in annual royalty income from these corporations, the US government ostensibly holds the upper hand in regulating them. The conflict of interest is obvious.

The HPV vaccine saga began just as Merck was trying to turn the page on its criminal conduct with Vioxx, its failed painkiller drug. Just as Vioxx was raking in $2.5 billion in annual revenue — almost the same amount Gardasil and Gardasil 9 are now bringing in — Merck withdrew it from the market because it was causing heart attacks, strokes, and death. Merck had not disclosed known heart attack risk in its clinical trial data. In 2005, Merck paid multi-million dollar civil and criminal penalties and entered into a $4.85 billion settlement with injured plaintiffs. Congress, the Department of Justice, and the media investigated Merck for falsifying data, making false statements to regulators, making false marketing claims, failing to disclose material information to consumers, and more. In 2006, the FDA approved Gardasil, leading some to dub the HPV vaccine “Help Pay for Vioxx.” History repeats itself in the Merck Vioxx and Gardasil sagas.

In researching and writing this book, we spoke with more than a hundred people who shared with us their time, expertise, and deeply personal stories. We also spoke with many injured young people and their parents, as well as with parents whose children died. We are humbled that they trusted us with their stories and have done our best to give them voice.

We also reached out to doctors, scientists, and medical researchers. We met with advocates fighting for those who have been injured. We met personally with women who were subjects in the clinical trials and spoke with doctors who were principal trial investigators. We also contacted HPV vaccine proponents, including the FDA, and are grateful for their assistance. We reached out to Merck with a long list of questions on two occasions but received no replies.

We bring legal and financial backgrounds to this task. While we are not doctors or scientists, we believe that our perspective is critical to this debate. For too long, those with real and potential conflicts of interest in industry and government have dominated public discourse about vaccine safety.

Part I examines the clinical trials and the race to develop the vaccine. It analyzes surprising data that have received little attention to date. We also provide a primer on cervical cancer to explain its real risk factors. While we focus on the Gardasil clinical trials, we also look at Cervarix, GlaxoSmithKline’s version, and at Gardasil 9, the only currently available HPV vaccine in the US. (GSK took Cervarix off the US market, likely because of low sales. Merck replaced Gardasil with Gardasil 9, the new HPV vaccine against a broader range of HPV viruses.) We use official documents and the accounts of two young women injured in the clinical trials to examine their many flaws. We close Part I with a look at India, where clinical trials led to national outrage and a legal battle against the pharmaceutical industry and its partners.

Part II covers what happened after the vaccines hit the market. How do you sell a vaccine for an infection that clears almost all the time? We look at the marketing magic and “disease branding” that created a market out of thin air. We also share heartbreaking stories of injury and death. We follow several families’ fights for justice. We look closely at the US and Australia, powerhouses in HPV vaccine development, whose governments are leading the charge towards universal HPV vaccine uptake.

Part III is a deeper dive into the latest research on aluminum-containing adjuvants and other ingredients of concern, including DNA fragments. We discuss HPV transmission, the potential threat of “type replacement,” cervical screening in both high and low resource countries, and more. If you don’t need the deep science dive, skip ahead.

Finally, Part IV takes readers around the world to Japan, Denmark, Ireland, the UK, and Colombia. Each of these countries is a unique case study regarding the HPV vaccine, and the role that governments, media, and the law play. You’ll get a close look at the latest developments in each country yet also see the global threads in common.

We strongly advocate for informed consent and hope that this book will help people to make truly informed decisions about this vaccine. Only you can be the ultimate judge for yourself or your loved one.

29 Responses

  1. This makes me so angry. I had this vaccine when I was 19-20ish and we struggled so much trying to have children. We were told they couldn’t find any reason as to why we were having issues but something doesn’t add up. 4 miscarriages and having to use IUI to get pregnant. Thankfully we were blessed with 2 beautiful girls but I really think that if I had never got this vaccine we wouldn’t have struggled as much as we have. I am praying for a 3rd baby with no help from doctors but 2 years later nothing has happened yet.

  2. It is truly a travesty of justice if the authorities established to safeguard the public from harm participate in promoting drugs that have not been fully tested being approved for vaccination in the case of children in the target group. They should review their guidelines and revise the accepted rules to ensure that their responsibilities are fully met. In the meantime, any harm suffered by anyone receiving the approved drug should be duly compensated and treatment offered to reverse any ill effects from the approved vaccine, though it cannot fully restore life or health lost by the affected individuals.

  3. Vaccine Reaction – are you aware of this: Pharmacovigilance –
    FDA News and Announcements October 8 – October 12, 2018 (it won’t allow me to copy & paste the url)

    This application proposes to extend the current indications of GARDASIL 9 to include a
    new population: individuals 27 through 45 years of age. Merck’s postmarketing plans
    for the new population include 3 components:
    (1) adding individuals 27 through 45 years of ageto routine surveillance activities that are currently in place
    for GARDASIL 9,
    (2) completing an ongoing study of immunogenicity and safety of GARDASIL 9 in women 16 through 45 years of age, and (3) including women 27 through 45 years of age in the ongoing pregnancy registry, which collects pregnancy
    outcomes for women vaccinated with GARDASIL and GARDASIL 9 while pregnantCBER reviewed Merck’s pharmacovigilance plan (PVP) for GARDASIL 9, with separate consideration of three specific subsets of the new population (27- through 45-year-old women, pregnant 27- through 45-year-old women , and 27- through 45-year-old
    men), and found Merck’s PVP to be adequate.

    Solicited AEs were not collected due to the extensive safety database of GARDASIL in younger age groups.
    The safety profile of GARDASIL in 24- through 45-year-oldwomen was not notably different from what has been characterized in younger women. Based on safety data for GARDASIL and GARDASIL 9 in women 16 through 26 years
    of age (study V503-001, reviewed under STN 125508/0), the only difference anticipated is slightly higher rates of local reactogenicity with GARDASIL 9 compared with GARDASIL. Therefore, the safety of GARDASIL 9 for women and men 27 through 45 years of age can be extrapolated from cross-study comparisons in younger ages and across GARDASIL
    and GARDASIL 9 formulations.

    b)Pediatrics GARDASIL 9 has been adequately studied in the pediatric population. A partial waiver
    from assessments in children 0 through 8 years of age was granted in the original BLA approval. (Why were they allowed a ‘partial waiver’? Are children 0-8 being given GARDASIL? This will be detrimental to the health of so many more now, if not a death sentence.)

  4. When my daughter turned 18 she went in alone for a gynecological exam. The nurse practitioner immediately said to her I see you’re not vaccinated at all. Adding, you really should get the HPV vaccine. My daughter politely said no. The practitioner then tried to shame her into it- “oh, you don’t want it because your mother doesn’t want you to have it. My daughter replied (thank God) NO! I don’t want it. Be sure to alert your young woman and men to this subversive tactic. Tell them to stand their ground.

  5. When I took my daughter for her last High School checkup and physical for Sports and the required physical for school, the nurse try to Guilt Trip me into giving this vaccination to my daughter. I am an RN and I don’t believe in vaccines. I did have my children vaccinated when they were younger before I became educated with all the issues with them and wish I never had. My son was a perfectly normal child until he got his 2 year shots and then he started having Tendencies of being on the autism spectrum as well as ADD issues and ODD issues. At 29 he continues to struggle. I refused to give her the HPV vaccines and I plan on passing this information off to her so that she does not give these vaccines to my granddaughter and I hope that the mother of my other granddaughter does not ever give her this vaccination either.

    1. Thank God for you. I am sooo surprised that you being an RN are against vaccines. I know many RN’s who seem completely brainwashed. Good for you. You will have a greater opportunity than most to have an impact on the education of this subject. I have 8 grandchildren…. none of whom are vaccinated. All these heads of the pharmacies as well as their loved ones should have to be shot up with these poisons. They should all be jailed.

  6. It really angers me that people are suffering and dying so big pharma can make billions
    with their eugenics program.
    I’d like to hear President Trumps opinion on this evil and wicked procedure.
    The people involved in this use the word “deployment” which is a term used by the military.

  7. Doctors now doing SURGERY TO VACCINE INJURED CHILDREN .FAKE news Polio
    The FDA Knows that the HEPATITIS B VACCINE is Contaminated And they still allow Pediatricians to Inject it into Newborn Infants and Children.
    Paying a Premium for HEALTHCARE that’s Killing OFF MY FAMILY

  8. Doctors Incompetence or JUST Playing Stupid or Controlled by the BILLIONAIRES Pharmaceutical companies.
    Will Always Make the Biggest Money.


  10. Pediatricians have Munchausen Syndrome by proxy.
    The FDA knows that the hepatitis B vaccine is contaminated and so do pediatricians.
    So when the pediatrician injects the vaccine into newborn infants and children when the baby dies the pediatrician has the parents arrested for manslaughter.
    Or if they only have an injury they will be making millions off of the injury.
    Doctors always at a win-win.
    Doctors Killing My Family.

    1. Proof is in the pudding, Vaccine Injury Court paying out billions but if you want the science see Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies. Has 400 Important Scientific docs summarized and easy to understand.

      My son went in for his one year vaccines and has never been the same since. Suffers from seizures, ADHD, ODD, ASD. Luckily I was able to work with a homeopath to reverse his autism to an extent. CDC states adverse reaction to MMR, jerking seizures. Well fits the bill sadly enough. There IS NO COINCIDENCE. There are too many of us out there that this is happening to.

  11. Stay away from doctors is your best bet! Get informed and do prevention..Doctorrs kids are the least vaccines group of kids for good reasons.

  12. It sickens me that anyone at any age should have this truly not qualified drug at all. Parents thought their kids would get involved in sex and wind up with this problem for 3 very expensive shots that has proven to paralyze, kill and leave the person with a disease, i.e., a friend of mine’s granddaughter was forced by her mother to have these shots and sadly to this day the now 25 yr. old has serious Asperger and 7 yrs. later still trying to get thru to an AA degree as can’t concentrate or remember anything well. People, drugs are killers and rarely help and the only one as I am in Oriental (now Integrated) medicine we do not use drugs. The only shots I can recommend is tetanus shot and definitely the pneumonia shot as last year’s so-called flu shot (the first time around killed my father in 3 days in 1976!) had a changed 3rd chemical and how many wound up with pneumonia and many young and old died. Our bodies are not made for so many chemicals and definitely not for babies, toddlers and those under 10 yrs. of age. Wake up and smell the coffee and I thank NIVIC for all they do. May I say that I just turned 80, take no drugs and after a full physical have no health concerns and I do like my Margarita, cold beer and dark chocolate but not every day and I teach older people how to walk and NOT shuffle or depend on walkers/wheel chairs, etc. and I also teach them how to build muscles so they are not helpful in lifting items with some weight. We are each responsible for our health and need to stop relying on doctors who know darn little as my primary doctor has told me and she, too, want to be an Integrated Doctor. When I compare a patient’s whole box of drugs, I find many of the drugs cancel out the others or create more problems. Stop thinking doctors are gods because they are not.


  14. The article is excerpted from a “well referenced” book according to the reviewers who wrote this article. I would appreciate references, too, but understand that an article reviewing/summarizing the contents of a book is not going to include actual references from the book itself.

  15. Gardasil 9
    The Material Safety Data Sheet, this MSDS states no Attorney probating Gardasil 9
    Merck is not following law practice

  16. You might help from the following videos.

    Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld – Vaccino HPV (“Phosphatidylcholine may help”)

    Vaccine Safety Conference Session 13 – Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD, FRCP

    HPV Vaccines: The Danish Experience – Karsten Viborg

    Erin Crawford, Gardasil HPV vaccine trial participant, tells her story [May 2016]

    Minding your mitochondria | Dr. Terry Wahls | TEDxIowaCity

    “Vitamin D, selenium, silica rich mineral waters, combined with a ketone fueled diet may be the cure for removing aluminum from autistic brains” [from “Mandatory Vaccinations = Totalitarian Inoculation: the Underground Classic” by Simac, Stephen]

  17. MERCK: the international terrorist was in court for punishment ,,,shakespeare heroshio heroshio heroshio “supreme high court gardasil the courts an institute to they governor//
    Nothing is being done
    Send out a PLAY

    Governments are instituted to protect freedoms, not restrict them. Certainly, in the event of some communicable diseases society has a need to protect people as a group, but that’s not the issue here.

  18. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy after my second shot when I was 16. Two girls, completely healthy just like me, located in two different States both recieved a shot with the same batch number as mine were diagnosed with the exact same form of epilepsy as me. It completely changed my life and I will struggle for the rest of my life. This didnt have to happen to me.

  19. My son had the HPV vaccine 2012, 2013, 2014. He is now 19, it took him almost 3 years to tell me he has had erectile dysfunction . He said he used to get a morning erection when he was younger and it all the sudden just stopped. I beleive it is from the gardasil. There is a 3 year statue to file s complaint. I think that is ridiculous because they are giving it to young boys who dont even know they have a problem yet. Because they are not sexually active. Not to mention it is a embarrassing topic for a young man to discuss. Please don’t allow your child to get this vsccine.

  20. I begged my mother after the first shot. I remember feeling the shot coursing in my veins for up to 4 or 5 days. I received the first generation of these and was forced to take all 3. I have had 9 miscarriages. I am lucky I had one child and was able to live. I was only 13 when my mother wanted to give me those shots. My argument is how do they know it prevents cancer? It is new! I now understand why my veins hit for days. This is bull shi.

  21. A couple of months ago, we did a timeline of my daughter’s symptoms from Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy and see that her epilepsy symptoms began just after her first round of Gardasil when she was 12 years old. She’s 17 now and will live with this the rest of her life. Heartbreaking and unfair. Parents, do not give your children this vaccine.

  22. 3 days after I received the last Gardasil shot I had my first seizure. Ever since then I’ve been having seizures at least once or twice a month. The neurologists see no cause of my seizures and still can’t find a medicine to control them. I can’t drive. I can’t swim. I can’t be alone at one of my jobs. These seizures are ruining my life and I’m almost certain Gardasil had something to do with it.

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