Tuesday, January 21, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Comparative Diets to Address Chronic Inflammation


The following is the first half of a two-part article on nutrition that addresses chronic inflammation. 

One of the hallmarks of many chronic diseases and disorders is unresolved inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can develop when the immune system’s normal inflammatory response to an implied threat continues unabated rather than turning off once the threat is gone.1

Chronic inflammation is a common link among autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple sclerosis; in cardiovascular disorders that lead to heart attacks and strokes; in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and epilepsy; and in mental disorders such as depression and schizophrenia.1 Vaccination has been reported to trigger the development of autoimmune disorders associated with chronic inflammation. 2

Infections and Vaccination: Two Different Kinds of Inflammatory Responses and Immunity

Infections and vaccines stimulate different kinds of inflammatory responses in the body.  to produce antibodies that confer two different kinds of immunity. Naturally acquired active immunity is attained after a person experiences a viral or bacterial infection and the body mounts an inflammatory response to stimulate the production of antibodies and confers long lasting natural immunity. Artificially acquired immunity, which is not identical to naturally acquired immunity, is attained when a person receives a vaccine and the body mounts an inflammatory response to produce antibodies and confers temporary immunity. Booster doses of vaccines to re-stimulate inflammatory responses are often given to lengthen artificial vaccine acquired immunity. 3

Depending upon various genetic, biological and environmental risk factors, some people do not resolve inflammation either after an infection or vaccination and can develop chronic inflammation in the body that leads to chronic health problems.4 5 In addition to lab altered viruses and bacteria, there are many recognized toxins in childhood vaccines that either singly or in combination cause inflammation in the brain and other parts of the body, including mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, antibiotics, polyethylene glycol (antifreeze), squalene, virus like particles and adventitious agents.6 7

Acute inflammation is easy to recognize: heat, swelling, pain and redness at the site of injury or infection. Chronic inflammation is not quite so obvious, but there are common symptoms that indicate its presence. Some of the most frequently reported include headaches and brain fog, bloating and other digestive problems, joint pain, rashes, fatigue, weight gain, gum disease and mood issues8—many signs familiar to parents of autistic and/or vaccine-injured children.9

Diets Address Chronic Inflammation in Vaccine-Injured Children

The childhood vaccine schedule used in the U.S. has been questioned as a potential factor in the development of inflammatory chronic brain and immune system disorders in children.10

It is an unfortunate fact that those who question the safety of vaccines often “come to the table” following a firsthand experience with a vaccine reaction… in other words, too late to avoid the potentially devastating impact such a reaction can have on their own life or the life of their child. Since conventional medicine rarely acknowledges the connection between vaccination and chronic brain and immune disorders in children, it can be difficult to know where to turn after a vaccine reaction has occurred and there is often lag time before parents find a supportive network. In the search for healing, one of the first avenues explored by parents and doctors specializing in biomedical and holistic health interventions involves nutrition therapy.

Diet is among the most basic of approaches to addressing chronic inflammation. The connection between diet and the risk for developing inflammatory disorders has been recognized for at least 50 years, though studies have been inconclusive about the role played by specific foods and nutrients.11 Nevertheless, harnessing the power of food often can help counteract a chronic inflammatory process and improve some of the related symptoms.

Dietary Fundamentals for Reducing Inflammation

With all the “named” diets available, it can be daunting to decide which direction to turn. Most anti-inflammatory diets share certain basic tenets: avoid sugar and processed foods; stay away from refined flour, wheat, white foods like pasta, rice and bread; and eliminate unhealthy fats. Foods that are often recommended to reduce inflammation in the body are fresh fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, high-quality proteins like cold-water fish, and healthy fats. Some nutritionists suggest that the so-called nightshade foods, which include tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, goji berries and white potatoes, may trigger inflammation in some people,9 and commercial milk products may also cause inflammation in people who are sensitive to lactose or milk proteins.11

Food additives, including dyes, preservatives and artificial flavorings and sweeteners, and high-fructose corn syrup have been pinpointed as problematic for many children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)12 and some nutritionists suggest avoiding them when trying to reduce systematic inflammation through dietary changes.

The Difference Is in the Details

Some of the most well known diets that surface in an online search for foods that fight inflammation include: the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS), Paleo, Mediterranean, Atkins, DASH, TLC, Mayo Clinic, Weight Watchers, Raw Food, Keto, The Zone, Whole30, Autoimmune Protocol, Dr. Hyman’s Detox and Dukan…to name just a few.  The annual U.S. News & World Report review of dietary rankings13 and other reviews14 of current diet trends can provide an overview for understanding different dietary approaches.

What Do the Experts Say?

The choice of an “anti-inflammatory” diet that limits foods, which have been identified as “pro-inflammatory,” depends on consideration of individual factors, such as specific food sensitivities, personal taste preferences, or the simple desire to try a dietary regimen that sounds interesting.

According to Harvard University’s HealthWatch, “Choose the right foods, and you may be able to reduce your risk of illness. Consistently pick the wrong ones, and you could accelerate the inflammatory disease process.”15 Included in the HealthWatch list of pro-inflammatory foods that should be avoided to reduce inflammation include:

  • Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pastries
  • French fries and other fried foods
  • Soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Red meat (burgers, steaks) and processed meat (hot dogs, sausage)
  • Margarine, shortening, and lard

Anti-inflammatory foods include:

  • Tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collards
  • Nuts like almonds and walnuts
  • Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines
  • Fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges

Note: NVIC would like to hear from readers who may have had experiences—good or bad—with these or other diets that address chronic inflammation in the body.

1 Nordqvist C. Everything you need to know about inflammation. Medical News Today Nov. 24, 2017.
2 Orbach H, Agmon-Levin N, Zandman-Goddard G. Vaccines and Autoimmune Diseases of the Adult. Discovery Magazine Feb. 4, 2010. 
3 Eberly College of Science. Elementary Microbiology: Categories of Specific  Immunity. University of Pennsylvania 2017.
4 Blaylock RL. Chronic Microglial Activation and Excitotoxicity Secondary to Excessive Immune Stimulation: Possible Factors in Gulf War Syndrome and Autism. American Journal of Phyisicians and Surgeons 2004; 9(2): 46-51.
5 Institute of Medicine Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality: Evaluating Biological Mechanisms of Adverse Events (p. 57-102), Increased Susceptibility (p. 82). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press 2012. 
6 Kaplan G. 11 Food Rules For The Ultimate Anti-Inflammatory Diet. MBG Health Nov. 19, 2015.
7 Bennie M. Gluten Free / Dairy Free Diet for Autism : My Experience. Autism Awareness Center Feb. 9, 2017.
8 Manzel A, et al. Role of “Western Diet” in Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports [PubMed, NCBI] January 2014.
9 Fletcher J. Anti-inflammatory Diet: What  to Know. Medical News Today Dec. 3, 2017.
10 Parpia R, Fisher BL. Childhood Vaccine Schedule: Where is the Science? The Vaccine Reaction Oct. 6, 2016.
11 Tarantino O. 14 Inflammatory Foods Making You Fat. Eat This May 5, 2016.
12 Privett D. Autism Spectrum Disorder — Research Suggests Good Nutrition May Manage Symptoms. Today’s Dietition January 2013.
13 U.S. News Reveals Best Diets Rankings for 2018. U.S. News & World Report Jan. 3, 2018
14 Schupmann M. From DASH to Paleo: The Best and Worst Diets of 2015. Kansas City Star Jan. 7, 2015.
15 Foods That Fight Inflammation. Harvard Women’s Health Watch June 2014 (updated Aug. 13, 2017).

15 Responses

  1. In your article you say to watch out for nightshade food because they can cause inflammation. Then lower in the article you say that tomatoes are anti-inflammatory. Tomatoes are in the nightshade family. I have RH and tomatoes do bother me, so do citrus fruits. Look up nightshade foods.

    1. Only some people are allergic to nightshade vegetables due to their unique metabolism, perhaps the lack of a certain specific digestive enzyme. You happen to be one of them. For 80-90% of humans, tomatoes are great and the best source of lycopene, an anti-cancer nutrient.

  2. Because we are all individuals we know that not everything affects each person the same way. Unless you can tell that good natural foods bother you, you should always try them first before eliminating them. This is why we don’t want BIG Medico and Pharma treating us as lemmings. This is a great site, don’t mess it up with being combative, please. Another human being.

  3. My family has had extraordinary success with the GAPS diet protocol. Symptoms of Asperger´s, ADHD, brain fog, hair loss, skin rashes, colitis, are just a few of the symptoms resolved! It is hard to travel or eat out, and when we regress, symptoms appear.

  4. I was able to bring autoantibodies down with the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. I could easily feel the difference with gluten and dairy free. Really remarkable.

  5. Your article mentions healthy fats, but you don’t say what they are . All vegetable poly unsaturated fats are bad and they include, corn, soy and canola; the big three and yet these oils a ubiquitous in all processed foods . I am constantly amazed to see canola in almost every offering at Whole Foods. Saturated and mono unsaturated are best. Butter(from grass fed preferably unpasteurized), olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil and lard(from grass fed animals) are the healthy fats.

    1. Hi Bill. I’m on the same page as you with regard to healthy oils and fats. I e-mailed Whole Foods late last year to question their use of Canola oil. This is their response: “There are no reputable research studies indicating that canola oil is harmful to humans when consumed as recommended. In the context of a healthy, traditional diet, rapeseed oil has not been reported to cause any health problems. We use expeller pressed non-GMO canola oil in all of our Prepared Foods because canola oil is versatile, fairly heat stable, and has a neutral flavor that makes it suitable for all kinds of dishes. For customers wishing to avoid canola oil, we offer many dishes that don’t contain it.” Is what it is. I just don’t eat at their hot bar anymore 🙂

  6. Thanks for getting this conversation started! I am a vaccine injured parent of two non-vaccinated babes. I have suffered from irritable bowl since I was injured at about 10 years old. After having children, I developed terrible dishidrodic eczema. With guidance from my chiropractor / acupuncturist, I have drastically cut down on eggs, milk, tomatoes, sugar, gluten containing pasta & bread & cereals, corn and white potatoes. With the help of “Fruit of the Earth” brand aloe vera, my hands have basically made a full recovery. My bowls are much better too. I used to basically have what my husband called “a dairy based diet,” I think cutting out the milk (for the most part) was the hardest but the biggest help to my poor GI tract.

    1. Hi, ruth! Thanks for sharing. I am 22 years old and I also suffer from ezcema. I do believe the type of ezcema I have been experiencing recently is dishidrodic ezcema. My mother has pretty severe rheumatoid arthritis and IBS. Our diet does consist partially of dairy, nightshades, and red meats, and I notice my ezcema flares up after eating certain foods. I’m hoping we can find relief and some answers, its refreshing to hear someone has had success in a similar situation.

  7. When I had a thyroid goiter a few years ago, all the standard doctors wanted to ‘remove my thyroid’ to solve the problem. Thankfully I knew enough about the relationship between gluten and the thyroid gland and the inflammation that gluten causes that I refused. Instead, I went to a wonderful osteopath who did an extensive blood test to determine all the foods that I was sensitive to (all the usuals: sugar, wheat, dairy, plus many others others to varying degrees). I was not allowed to eat those for a period of time, and simultaneously took a product called Glutashield by Ortho Molecular which healed the inflammation in my intestines. My goiter completely disappeared and my thyroid antibodies returned to normal over a period of months.

  8. I have read that lard is anti-inflammatory, and that it was replaced with shortening and margarine by big Agra.

  9. I have been gluten free, dairy free, corn and soy free, for about 8 years and feeling better because of it. Autoimmune thyroid disease and severe hypothyroidism led me to polymyalgia rheumatica (my deduction) and I find the low lectin diet profoundly benefitting.
    Well sourced lard is very good for you.
    Tomatoes…not so sure about that. I avoid them. Sugar of any type is very inflammatory.
    Grass fed beef very good for us. My cholesterol, triglycerides and A1C are fantastic now.

  10. it’s good to slowly see articles like this come up – I’ve had a complete lifestyle change from eating practically everything to removing meat dairy grains and beans – i eat 80% raw fruit and 20% raw veg and I make a lot of dried herb decoctions and tinctures based on the teachings of dr robert morse out of port Charlotte Florida whose teaches you how to heal yourself through fruits Veg herbs dry fasting iridology you don’t need to deal with allopathic means anymore! trust your body as it will heal itself if you give it the right food – just understand that there will be healing symptoms while your body works at clearing lymph stagnation and it can take several years to completely clear and reverse all ailments from the body. definitely eat raw tomatoes and cucumbers and light leafy greens but stay away from cooked and it’s always better to eat raw – we r the only species that cooks our food! avocados are fine and limit raw unsulfured non irradiated nuts and seeds but good transitional foods! you will feel amazing have tons of energy and start reversing your dis-eases and symptoms!

  11. My husband and I cured our daughter of autism using the GAPS diet/protocol. We eat tons of lard from organically raised animals. My husband also saw a complete turn around on his triglyceride levels and cholesterol levels. I am 38 years old and have had many people tell me I look 25 and some as young as a high schooler. It really is a great nutritional program.

  12. My daughter suffers from Crohn’s for over 20 years and has found that taking gluten and dairy out of her diet has helped with inflammation. Why is it that Crohn’s (autoimmune) is never mentioned in your articles as one of the diseases brought on by vaccines? It is now affecting over 1 million people and was once known as a disease afflicting teens and young adults but children as young as 2 are coming up with it. Could it be the effects of the Hepatitis B series that is now started at birth?

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