Tuesday, February 11, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Joseph Mercola, DO on the Decline of Mercury and Increase of Aluminum in Vaccines

excerpts from research on vaccines and vaccination policy

Mercury (thimerosal) exposure has declined significantly since it was eliminated from the single-dose vials of most childhood vaccines, yet autism rates have continued to skyrocket. This has led many to assume that mercury isn’t a problem, and anyone questioning the safety of vaccines is considered to be a hysterical wingnut.

However, while mercury use has decreased, the use of aluminum additives has increased! Aluminum, like any other adjuvant, is added to the vaccine in order to boost the host’s immune response to the antigen. The antigen is what your body responds to and makes antibodies against (the virus being injected). By boosting your body’s immune response, the vaccine manufacturer can use a smaller amount of antigen, which makes production less expensive.

The average aluminum content per vaccine ranges between 200 to 400 mcg. Others contain less, such as Prevnar, which has 125 mcg of aluminum. Adding to the problem, however, is the fact that many children end up receiving multiple vaccines at a time. In effect, children are getting concentrations of aluminum that are 10 to 20 times higher than mercury. Based on the number of vaccines given, children today are receiving 17 shots that contain aluminum, compared to four vaccines in the 1970s into the mid-80s.

[T]he milligram dose of aluminum received has more than doubled in that time. This can have significant implications, as aluminum is not only toxic in and of itself, but it also impairs your body’s ability to excrete mercury, and it impairs glutathione synthesis. As a consequence, aluminum will make whatever amount of mercury you have in your system even more toxic.

— Joseph Mercola, DO



7 Responses

  1. Does anyone know if there are any psychological studies addressing the neurologic trauma of being stabbed with needles? It seems like this type of physical assault, where needles actually penetrate the body, can have neuropsychological consequences like autism or paranoia.

    Where are the studies?

    1. I haven’t seen a study on needles and psychological trauma but I have seen studies on boys who are circumcised and apparently they have a stronger reaction to needles/vaccination.

    2. I used to be terribly afraid of needles, even if I wasn’t the one being jabbed. But I’ve had to get over it because I have to give my autistic son weekly Methyl-B12 shots. Amazingly, the effects of the MB12 are such a great relief to my son that he ASKS for his shot. Even if he’s totally absorbed playing a Nintendo game and I ask if he wants his shot now, he literally jumps up to get it right away.

      On the other hand, he is still afraid to give blood for a blood test. So I think the needle trauma you wonder about may be connected to each event separately and is a collection of related feelings and memories.

      1. Please don’t misinterpret my comments to mean that children shouldn’t be afraid of needles. I think they have every right to be afraid! And I believe that their parents also have every right to be afraid of the consequences of those (untested, mandated, limitless) shots!

        My son was vaccine damaged in 1986 from the MMR, which never had mercury…but that one shot was only ONE part of a very long story.

  2. Joe, has there ever been a ‘good’ (effective – more plus than minus) vaccine. Salk and Sabin have now both admitted the total invalidity of their work. And, as we both know, most of the major scourges of the past were in decline, from Post WWII on, anyway.

    Add to this the revelations of the real cause of the AIDS epidemic and the scurrilous activities of Mr. Gates, the picture is clear as to who came up with this crime 200 years ago and why. It was to beggar mankind, not better it.

    That said, isn’t this piece misleading? I did not think you were in the business of providing assurances and false hope to Moms and Dads. The Allo stooges are doing that well enough on their own, doncha think?

    After all, do we really give a fig if the Vaxocide Gang ensures our early exit via this nano-metal or that one?
    Regards to Erin,

  3. Punishment for wrongdoing should be in the form of every single executive at vaccine manufacturer companies having to take an equivalent does of aluminum straight to the vein. How on earth are these substances still promoted given the obvious dangers they pose? There should be a law against vaccine manufacturers being for profit companies. RICO!

  4. All the little kids who show up in our support group still have mercury. Andy Cutler chelation protocol. The Facebook group is called Fight Autism and Win, Detoxing Kids.

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