Sunday, January 19, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Alzheimer’s Vaccine: Researchers Target Brain Proteins in Mouse Study

two elderly people holding hands
The demand for a vaccine is high, prompting the U.S. Congress to commit an additional $350 million to the NIH for research into Alzheimer’s disease…

U.S. and Australian scientists are reporting that they have developed a promising vaccine platform for Alzheimer’s disease. Investigators at Flinders University in Australia have teamed with researchers from California’s Institute of Molecular Medicine and the University of California on the international quest to discover a vaccine formulation for Alzheimer’s disease.

Their first study, published July 1, 2016, in Nature’s Scientific Reports journal, focused on the impact in mice of dual and single vaccines inducing high-titer antibodies against various forms of two brain proteins active in Alzheimer’s disease: beta-amyloid and tau.

The beta-amyloid and tau proteins have different roles in the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease, with amyloid suspected to be the primary driver of the disease pathology. When these proteins die, they both build up into plaques, which block connections between brain nerve cells. The researchers hypothesized that sequential or combined vaccinations against both molecules may do the trick.

They formulated three vaccines with Advax, a pharmaceutical grade adjuvant developed by Vaxine Pty Ltd. of Australia, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The adjuvant is derived from delta inulin, a plant-based, prebiotic polysaccharide. Researchers administered the vaccines to female mice, with sera samples collected 14 days following the first dose.

The vaccine targeting the amyloid protein induced the highest cellular and humoral immune responses, while the dual epitope vaccine (targeting both amyloid and tau proteins) and a combination of vaccines targeting the two proteins induced a “robust” antibody response. Anti-amyloid antibody titers were similar across all three vaccine experiments, but anti-tau titers were highest for the single injection targeting tau or the combination injections.1

U.S. Financing Paving the Way

The demand for a vaccine is high, prompting the U.S. Congress to commit an additional $350 million to the NIH for research into Alzheimer’s disease, bringing total funding to $1.3 billion this year. Coupled with funding from the Alzheimer’s Association, the researchers believe they have “an exceptional universal vaccine platform.”

According to the international investigative team, the animal data proved that the antibodies work best to block the beta-amyloid protein buildup before the subjects have developed the disease, but also are effective at reversing the buildup of tau proteins once the disease has progressed.

“The study suggests that we can immunize patients at the early stages of AD, or even healthy people at risk for AD, using our anti-amyloid-beta vaccine, and, if the disease progresses, then vaccinate with another anti-tau vaccine to increase effectiveness,” study co-author Anahit Ghochikyan said.

She added that the vaccines were so promising, the researchers are already working with four companies for ongoing pre-clinical safety-toxicity assessment and future human trials with plans to file an investigational New Drug Application in the United States. Their expectation is to have a treatment available within three to five years.2

Study co-author Nikolai Petrovsky, who is also the director of Vaccine Pty, told The Australian, “You could actually give it to everyone, say when they turn 50, a bit like we give all high-risk groups a flu shot, and thereby stop it in its tracks. You can immunize for it before it even starts.”3


5 Responses

  1. It is absolutely amazing to me that we live in a world where every disease can be fixed with a vaccine. Well, that is what the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers, the fed gov and its agencies and medical establishment wants us to believe. How quaint. How easy. How ridiculous this concept is.
    In regards to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), NO ONE has yet to explain HOW these 2 proteins originate; where do they come from. But what IS known is that they are considered FOREIGN proteins as demonstrated by the following article:

    Curcuminoids enhance amyloid-β uptake by macrophages of Alzheimer’s disease patients

    If macrophages are attacking these proteins, it is an immune response to something that shouldn’t be there. So where do they come from? The literature considers it an “autoimmune” disease. But what if the body doesn’t really attack ITSELF but attacks substances in the body that are not supposed to be there? Self vs Not-Self; as in heavy metals (aluminum, mercury etc), components of vaccines NOT required to be listed by manufacturers, pesticides (of which there are @65,000 UNTESTED) and now GMO food.

    The human body has been on constant vigilance from “modern living” for at least 100 years which also correlates to the many chronic and “newer” diseases.
    Vaccines are poison. Pure and simple. THAT is why they initiate an immune response.

    Instead of vaccines why not look at the causative factors? Why not establish how and where these proteins originate? If macrophages are attacking B-amlyoid in the brain, why not “help” the actual process used by macrophages? Proteolytic enzymes digest foreign proteins. Why not a trial of highly concentrated enzymes? There are other nown facts the public is not being told such as:

    Curcumin Inhibits Formation of Amyloid Oligomers and Fibrils, Binds Plaques, and Reduces Amyloid in Vivo

    Curcumin Reduces Amyloid Fibrillation of Prion Protein and Decreases Reactive Oxidative Stress

    Therapeutic Effects of Curcumin on Alzheimer’s Disease

    The effect of curcumin (turmeric) on Alzheimer’s disease: An overview

    Aluminum induced conformational changes in B-Amyloid protein and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease

    Orally Administrated Cinnamon Extract Reduces b-Amyloid Oligomerization and Corrects Cognitive
    Impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease Animal Models

    MIND diet associated with reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease

    There are dozens, if not hundreds, of other clinical studies going on the media, your physician or government will not know of or disclose to you. They are too busy trying to develop and sell the next vaccine for the next problem.

  2. even vaccines which have been universally applied, harmed millions, killed thousands, in the quest for “disease prevention”, in the short term, absent any other solutions to AD, which is as devastating as vaccine induced autism for the families affected, should be considered until some other solution presents itself. And yes, I get lifestyle is the solution, but you don’t get to apply lifestyle retroactively and hundreds of millions are living the US disease causing lifestyle and finding out too late.
    As far as vaccines go, this is why you can’t be called “anti-vaccine”, because if something like a vaccine actually made sense, everyone would support it. Just so happens, not a single one has made any sense to date. This application just might.

  3. Once again, a failure to ask the right question by scientists. That question is “why is the body forming antibodies to those specific proteins? Where do they come from?” If the experts I’ve studied recently are on the right track, the answer is those proteins are coming from the GI tract as a result of leaky gut and are impacting the brain due to inflammation in the body (those pesky antibodies) resulting in an autoimmune disease (AD).

    And what causes leaky gut?? The standard American diet fed to children born to parents with gut dysbiosis then given antibiotics to address the myriad of infections that result. That child is also raised in a “toxic soup” present in the home, school, day-care, etc. therefore making it much more likely the immune system will be challenged.

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