Monday, February 17, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Monosodium Glutamate Used as a Stabilizer in Vaccines

a spoonful of MSGStory Highlights
  • MSG, a taste-enhancing food additive, is also an ingredient in five vaccines recommended by the CDC.
  • MSG is used as a stabilizer in vaccines.
  • Studies have shown that MSG can injure brain neurons.

When you think of monosodium glutamate (MSG), what is the first thing that comes to mind? More than likely it is Chinese cuisine, however, this same ingredient is also found in several other food products we use everyday. Almost all processed foods on the grocery store shelves ranging from soups to crackers to meats contain MSG to enhance their flavor.

MSG is also an ingredient in vaccines.

To be able to make fully informed decisions regarding vaccination for you or your child, it is essential to evaluate what is and is not known about vaccine ingredients and their short and long term effects on the human body.

What is Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)?

Monosodium glutamate, also known as monosodium salt, monohydrate and L- monosodium glutamate, is the sodium salt of a common amino acid known as glutamic acid (glutamate).1 2 Glutamic acid is naturally present in our bodies and occurs naturally many foods such as tomatoes and cheeses.2

Glutamate is one of several amino acids linked into the chains of protein in the body.3 In the body, some amino acids are free to float around by themselves while others are linked into proteins to perform vital functions.3 For instance, some amino acids serve as neurotransmitters carrying nerve cell impulses throughout the body; they act as chemical messengers relaying news from one nerve cell to another.3 

Glutamate is one such neurotransmitter that carries messages throughout the brain triggering nerve cells to fire. Other neurotransmitters such as gamma amino butyric acid then communicate with the firing nerve cells signaling them to cease firing when necessary, thus creating an important balance.3 In the presence of excess glutamate, this balance tips due to overstimulation of nerve cells and causes them to die.3

The Role of MSG in Vaccines

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Excipient and Media Summary lists five vaccines that contain monosodium glutamate:

  • Adenovirus
  • Influenza (FluMist) Quadrivalent
  • MMRV (ProQuad)
  • Varicella (Varivax)
  • Zoster (Shingles–Zostavax)4

So what has MSG got to do with vaccines?

MSG is used as a stabilizer in vaccines. Stabilizers are added to vaccines to help the vaccine remain unchanged when it is exposed to heat, light, acidity or humidity.5

MSG: An Excitotoxin Like Aspartame

Russell Blaylock, MD, a board-certified neurosurgeon and author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills has extensively studied the effects of MSG on the brain.6 He identifies MSG an excitotoxin. Excitotoxins are food and taste-enhancing chemicals found in many food products.

Aside from MSG, other excitotoxins include hydrolyzed vegetable protein, aspartame (a food sweetener sold on the market as NutraSweet) and cysteine.6 Excitotoxins overstimulate certain neurons in the brain causing them to continue firing until they tire themselves and die.6 

This overexcitement of neurons can cause brain damage of varying degrees and can potentially trigger degenerative diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease), Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s, all of which develop gradually.6

Several studies have shown the link between MSG consumption and severe headaches as a side effect.7 8 A 2009 study published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine used dissociated mouse neuronal culture and cell injury assays to determine whether relevant concentrations of MSG induce cell swelling or death.9 The study explains the mechanism behind MSG induced headaches that affect many people who have low tolerance to MSG. The authors state:

Using neuronal culture technique and cell injury assay, we studied the effect of MSG on mouse cortical neurons, a commonly used in vitro preparation for cell injury studies. We demonstrated that incubation with MSG, at clinical relevant concentrations, induced swelling and injury of mature neurons. This finding may partially explain the headache induced by MSG intake.9

They go on to explain:

Glutamate is an endogenous neurotransmitter required for a variety of physiological functions of neurons. Increased release of endogenous glutamate has been suggested to play an important role in neuronal injury associated with a number of neurological disorders.9

The Verdict on MSG

It is clear that there are unanswered questions about the safety of MSG, not only as a food additive, but also as a vaccine ingredient.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), MSG is a “naturally occurring” substance since its basic ingredients are found in natures.2 It is critical to realize here that “naturally occurring” does not mean that the food additive being consumed is in its natural form. It only means that the manufacturing process began with something found in nature but the question is: Does that make it safe for consumption or injection?

Although the FDA labeled MSG as “Generally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS) in 1959, since then it has acknowledged the existence of short-term reactions to MSG.2 These include numbness, headaches, fatigue, disorientation and heart palpitations that some people who have low tolerance to MSG may experience after eating foods containing MSG.2 

Similar to most vaccine ingredients that have not been tested separately for safety, the long term cumulative effects of injecting MSG into the body and how it interacts with other chemicals and ingredients in vaccines is not known. What is known is that MSG is an excitotoxin that can cause neurons to die. Until adequate testing is done, the verdict on using MSG in vaccines is unsettled.


1 U.S. National Library of Medicine. Toxicology Database Network: Monosodium Glutamate. National Institutes of Health.
2 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Questions and Answers on Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Nov. 19, 2012.
3 MSG Truth. What Exactly Is MSG? Feb. 19, 2016.
4 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Vaccine Excipient and Media February 2015.
5 CDC. Ingredients of Vaccines – Fact Sheet. National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Feb. 22, 2011.
6 Blaylock R. Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills. Albuquerque, NM: Health Press 1997.
Yang WH, Drouin MA, Herbert M, Mao Y, Karsh J.  The monosodium glutamate symptom complex: assessment in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1997; 99(6 Pt 1): 757-762.
Schaumburg HH, Byck R, Gerstl R, Mashman JH. Monosodium L-glutamate: its pharmacology and role in the Chinese restaurant syndrome. Science 1969; 163(869): 826-828.
Xiong J, Branigan D, Li M. Deciphering the MSG Controversy. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2009; 2: 329 -333.

11 Responses

  1. This news explains another viable link between vaccines and Autism. Take some mercury, aluminum and MSG and you have the Perfect Cytokine Storm to demyelinate and destroy neurons and synapses. Glutamate in MSG is an excitoxin that causes neuronal cell death in the brain. Excess amounts of glutamate in the brain are known to trigger seizures and is associated with all other neurological disorders.

    “Glutamate and Epilepsy”; Asrtid G Chapman, J. Nutr. 130: 1043S–1045S, 2000

    “Inhibitory and excitatory amino acids in cerebra-spinal fluid of chronic epileptic patients”; J Neural Transmission (1989) 76:221-230

    “Glutamate excitotoxicity in a model of multiple sclerosis”; NATURE MEDICINE • VOLUME 6 • NUMBER 1 • JANUARY 2000

    “Evidence of elevated glutamate in multiple
    sclerosis using magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3 T”; Brain (2005), 128, 1016–1025

    “Glutamate Neurotoxicity and Diseases of the Nervous System”; Neuron. Vol. 1, 623-634, October, 1988

    There are many more clinical studies but space does not allow me to post them here.

    The government agencies, medical profession, food and drug companies are all responsible for autism and it is a dam* shame people are too lazy or in denial to take action against them.

  2. I’m allergic to MSG and I’m 40. My body reacts when I eat MSG now. How would an infant with similar allergic predispositions react and tell it’s parents something is wrong? Crying. What does the doctor say? “Oh, it’s normal. Babies cry”. How will we really know the effects? How long will it take? There are so many more side effects besides (*possible connection of) autism. As a mother of a vaccine injured child, nystagmus is another. And the doctors outright dismissed me and still do. They weren’t there. My husband and I were.
    When will pharmaceutical companies share possible adverse reactions to the public? When will we be able to make solid, healthy informed decisions for ourselves?
    When will doctors be able to ASK the right Questions?
    “1- Am I or my child sick right now?
    2- Have I or my child had a bad reaction to a vaccination before?
    3- Do I or my child have a personal or family history of vaccine reactions, neurological disorders, severe allergies or immune system problems?”
    Being able to (unfortunately) answer Yes to family history of neurological disorders, severe allergies or immune system problems, we would have been spared a lot of grief.
    Who cares about the Gov’t compensation program. It’s a joke. Keep the money, I want a healthy child please.
    Please make the pharma co’s be transparent with their research for all our sakes.

  3. How can I inform my grandson’s mother about dangers of vaccines and convince her to not allow my grandson to receive any more of them? It is so sad to know the truth but can’t protect the ones you love!

    1. Vaccines do not cause autism. The admitted forged study that conducted about this claim, was sponsored by big pharma with the motive of wanting to sue vaccine companies. And has been debunked many, many times.

      The MSGs consumed in your daily diet coke are doing way more harm to your health than any chance associated with vaccinating your child once, to protect against some of the most tragic diseases on the planet.

      Keep yourself and everyone in the world safe and vaccinate your children.

  4. So in 1959 MSG was a GKAS chemical to be in all foods, drugs and vaccinations then, as I was a 1960 innocent infant at 5 months old after my shots, had A SEIZURE, and they continue 57 years later. 57 ears ago at 7 months old, I was put on anti-seizure drugs, no doubt then MSG’s were in those drugs. No after 57 years I can only eat LESS THAN 5% < less than of all foods including the so called safe ORGANIC FOODS that over 90% of then have toxic chemicals and additives in those foods & drinks too. So WHY is the medical world keeping their mouths shut & sealed about MSG's & ASPARTAME's ? FOLLOW THE MONEY!!! They know their breads & butters which is every neurological problem a person may live with are from MSG & ASPARTAME, among the other toxic additive like those chemically made ingredients called NITRATES, ENZYMES, along with EXTRACTS, FLAVORS, POWDERS, NATURAL & ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS, CONCENTRATES, ISOLATES, GUMS,DEXTROSE, & many more that are MSG & ASPARTAME names, where you never see no more the words ASPARTAME & MONOSODIUMGLUTAMATE no more. All of those words are printed very small,, so you can not read THEM,,, so naturally it was easy for president OBAMA to passed & sign into law THE DARK ACT last July of 2016. The public are the enemy of all of the FDA & government. The congress & senate both shown no conscious what they have funded & supported for decades with presidents since LBJ agreeing to act against THE PEOPLE,, all for the LOVE OF MONEY.

  5. Please on your site think of doing the following.

    Have a survey/poll to where people like myself can answer truthfully to what WE ALL KNOW,, what our cause is for the root problem we have a neurological or cardiological health problem that point to EXCITOTOXINS & the abundance of it in our brain nerve functions & endings, from head to toe where it effects people. Not to forget the 2nd gut & nerve connections there. YES & NO answers would be good enough to KNOW what percent of people know what is happening to them. Doctors could care less about this.

  6. MSG is not so in-noxious after all, as the FDA wants us to believe, as the following scientific experiment on humans shows. Read . Ingestion of MSG increase the plasma insulin level (take note: in absence of ingested carbohydrate or glucose) three fold after 15 minutes and the effect last more than 100 minutes. The cascading effects are debilitating for some (patients) and for others just stimulate hunger (and over eating?). The only negative effect noted of the experiment was the participants complaining of a headache, which is quite a common complaint among MSG intolerants.
    This insulin effect may well be a contributing cause for insulin resistance and eventually diabetes (especially with chronic intake of added glutamate salt in food and condiments). Insulin drives the liver process of (excess) glucose to abdominal visceral fat accumulation and thus obesity.
    An injection of glutamate into a muscle seems to be very painful as this scientific experiment shows at , but not much more happen to these brave individuals. In the case of a dose to weight ratio of a baby so much more is at stake.

  7. There is a Vactruth Interview with the late Dr. Andrew Moulden which explains how vaccines cause micro capillary sludging (from aluminium and other ingredients in vaccines) causing damage ranging from clinically silent to death.

  8. I have had reactions to flu vaccines in the past and didn’t know why. Three years ago I experienced a reaction like I would if I had eaten food containing MSG, heart was pounding and irregular. They told me it was from “anxiety” but after researching it further I found the vaccine contained MSG, have not had one since.

  9. My friend is now going though another bout of shingles . She is allergic to M.S.G. Does the shingles vaccine represent a great risk to her ? What is the greater risk ?

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