Sunday, January 19, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Australia, U.S. Financially Penalize Citizens Refusing Vaccines

This woman has had it up to here
The United States is not immune to the medical fascism trends related to forced vaccination.

The war on informed consent rights is getting more intense, with alarming new threats to our freedom to make vaccine choices popping up worldwide. We can’t help but ask ourselves, what kind of societal sanctions can possibly be suggested next that will trample on our human and parental rights?

Well, mates, look no further than Australia, where the government is dipping into citizens’ wallets to penalize parents when they opt their children out of one or more doses of government mandated vaccines.

News from Down Under: No Jab, No Pay

Under the Public Health and Wellbeing law, effective January 2016, Australians who fail to vaccinate their child will lose the $7,500 annual childcare rebate, $200+ weekly childcare benefit and the $726 Family Tax Benefit Part A end-of-year supplement. Total welfare amounts vary according to family economic circumstances.

The Australian government also narrowed allowable vaccine exemptions. The only exceptions will be for approved medical reasons.  The government will no longer allow exemptions for personal, philosophical or religious beliefs.

According to Social Services Minister Scott Morrison, the Howard Government met with religious organizations and determined that the religious exemption was no longer current or necessary.1 A religion’s governing body would have to formally register an objection to the government to consider reinstating it.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott stressed that the new law did not have a cost-saving motive.2  Records show 6,000 families who are beneficiaries of the government’s childcare support, received approximately $8 million in allocated benefits.3 

Vaccine-Related Financial Penalties Found on U.S. Soil

The United States is not immune to the medical fascism trends related to forced vaccination. A recent court case in Kansas shows just how brutal the system can be for anyone those opting out of federally recommended vaccines.

In April 2016, the Kansas Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a hospital that denied unemployment benefits on grounds of job-related misconduct to a former employee who refused to vaccinate.

Debra Rhodenbaugh started working for McPherson Hospital in 2010. In 2013, the hospital announced a new flu vaccine requirement for employees. Workers could opt out of vaccination and wear a mask to prevent potential transmission of influenza to patients or file a medical or religious vaccine exemption.

Rhodenbaugh submitted to the hospital a physician’s note stating that she did not want to get the flu shot. Rhodenbaugh followed up with an additional letter explaining her reasons, including the fact that she had watched her aunt die within two weeks of receiving the flu vaccine. However, the hospital did not recognize her objections as a medical or religious exemption, calling it more of a conscientious objection that did not qualify as an exception to the policy.

Two days later on Oct. 31, 2013, she was fired. Although Rhodenbaugh initially began receiving unemployment benefits, the hospital appealed to the Kansas Employment Security Board of Review, which deemed her ineligible for unemployment benefits.4 

Rhodenbaugh’s legal appeal resulted in the courts siding with the hospital. Ultimately, the Kansas Court of Appeals ruling stated:

Rhodenbaugh owed a duty to the hospital to follow the safety rule by either receiving the flu vaccine or meeting the applicable exemptions. Her failure to comply with the rule met the statutory definition of job-related misconduct and thus disqualified her for unemployment benefits.5 

California Also Cracks Down on Low-Income Residents Through Vaccine Rules

California is perhaps best known for its beaches and Hollywood celebrities, but it is quickly gaining notoriety for having the strictest vaccination policies and laws in the country.

In 2015, the state terminated the legal right for parents to file a personal belief vaccine exemption for religious and conscientious belief reasons.6 

And similar to Australia, California enforces compliance with vaccination laws through various economic penalties.

Under the state’s welfare agency, CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Act), families risk losing part of their cash aid when they fail to submit up-to-date immunization records or an exemption form for children under 6 years old.

CalWORKS has a number of requirements for eligibility (i.e., income, citizenship), but the vaccine requirement is one of the more unique ones. Families are asked for vaccination records during the application process and again each year during recertification. They have a month to submit their forms before they face the financial penalty.

Once up-to-date immunization proof is on record, cash aid resumes.

CalWORKs records show that 6,000 families had not submitted their vaccination records in 2015.7 


28 Responses

  1. The California situation is bad enough already to fuel anarchy by the poor, but the situation is worse.

    The middle class is now being squeezed because all schools (public AND private) are denied parents that have not jabbed their children with poison.

    Oh, wait, it gets worse.

    A new mother using licensed daycare so she can return to work, must jab her INFANT with these poisons.

    The constitutional right to bear arms is now most often connected to self defense, but was written at a time when the citizens thought they might have to (again) bind together to overthrow tyranny. Don’t be surprised if a parent takes this to heart soon after their infant or child “regresses overnight” into a permanent isolated head-banging child for the rest of their life.

    I am retired but I had kids once. Governor Brown, California Secy of Health…..just sayin’.

    1. This is exactly right. Denial of access to daycare and school is a MASSIVE financial penalty for any parents who did not plan to homeschool their kids. And who may not be able to afford to stay at home.

      I think you may be right that this tyranny may ultimately bring about violence. We have already seen vaccine-workers slain in Pakistan for the threat that they posed to kids there.

      Thanks Jerry Brownshirt.

  2. This mandatory vaccination plan is totally against science. The Vaccine companies should have to prove that everything in their vaccines is harmless to us before they get to mandate it’s use. Thimerosal was used to preserve vaccines since they are produced way ahead of use and storage can be variable. It contains Lead! Nobody can say that is safe for adults or children so why did the vaccine companies put it in the vaccine……FOR PROFIT! That’s their motivation. Our FDA is not doing it’s job to protect us from harmful adjuvants in vaccines and now they want to force us to get the jabs?? This is ridiculous.

    1. We owe it all to each other to get our facts straight so we don’t look silly when we try to argue for freedom from vaccines. Thimerosal contains ethylmercury, not lead, and shouldn’t be confused with methylmercury, which is what’s in some of the fish we eat.

      1. So true, Don. It never helps to go off willy nilly and say things that just aren’t true. There is no lead in vaccines

        1. Actually after all the research I’ve done of this subject of vaccine safety/ingredients having had a vaccine damaged child! I’ve never heard anyone say “lead” they all speak of mercury which then they indeed make sense. Becaus all flu vaccines contain some form of mercury even at the smallest levels can hurt any human being. We are all different biologically. No one should ever have to suffer. If you read online the Death & Injury Reports from the Vaccine Injury Court you will see 80% of all compensated are from the flu vaccine.

    2. I’m very much in agreement with you, however, thimerosal doesn’t contain lead, it is 50% mercury. Mercury is the 2nd most-toxic heavy metal on earth – behind plutonium which is the most toxic. It’s the gradual build-up of these heavy metals that don’t leave our bodies that will do the real harm down the road. We’re talking seizures, autism, strokes, learning disabilities, mental retardation,ADD, allergies,and auto-immune diseases (disorders that will make us dependent on doctors & drugs forever!) Then there’s formaldehyde! 20 yrs ago they made the dairy industry quit putting that in milk to make it last longer. But now I guess it’s okay to let a nurse inject it and the other toxic soup ingredients into our kids’ bodies. —- Then there’s the lack of long-term and efficacy medical studies!! So, if they work so great! Why do first graders have to have had 10 Dtap shots? Why did 300 Harvard students recently come down with the mumps when they were all vaxxed for that?

    3. Our FDA may be able to help if they weren’t so far in bed with our pharmaceutical companies. It’s all about Greed, legal drug-induced harm (look at this psychiatric drug epidemic) and murder for profit. And they continually get away with it.

    4. For the good of people who support vaccine choice please get your scientific facts straight or the vaccine Nazis will label you as ignorant.

      Thimerosal contains mercury, not lead. If you are going to rail against adjuvants, know what they are and what makes them dangerous.

      You will be fighting with scientists and if you can argue in their elitist language you might take them down. If you cite truly incorrect information (something as simple as mistaking lead for mercury), you will be dismissed as misinformed. Don’t let that happen. Educate and prepare yourself.

      And thanks for the effort because it is a necessary battle.

      1. In the interest of not promoting misinformation: Thimerosal is primarily used as a preservative in vaccines; not an adjuvant. The most common adjuvants used in human vaccines are a derivative of aluminum phosphate or aluminum hydroxide (a neurotoxin).

  3. I have already skipped over ten thousand dollars of newborn baby money because we know they give handouts one minute then slave commands the next minute. Stick your money. Do not tell us what to do. Do not try come to my house to inject my children. Or my compound, as you will be describing it in the evening news…

  4. Thimerosal is 50% Mercury and is the 2nd most-toxic heavy metal on earth – behind plutonium! It’s the gradual build-up of these heavy metals that don’t leave our bodies that will do the most harm down the road. We’re talking seizures, autism, strokes, learning disabilities, mental retardation,ADD, allergies,and auto-immune diseases (disorders that will make us dependent on doctors & drugs forever!) Then there’s formaldehyde! 20 yrs ago they made the dairy industry quit putting that in milk to make it last longer. But now I guess it’s okay to let a nurse inject it and the other toxic soup ingredients into our kids’ bodies. —- Then there’s the lack of long-term and efficacy medical studies!! So, if they work so great! Why do first graders have to have had 10 Dtap shots? And why did 300 Harvard students recently come down with the mumps when they were all vaxxed for that? I had 4 vaxxes in the 1950″s and 60’s. I got chicken pox, measles, and mumps and survived them. Now kids will need to have 47 vaxes by the time they go to 1st grade! People, this is simply over-kill and over-injure!!! And for what? Big Pharma folks get more Porshes in their garages!!!

  5. “According to Social Services Minister Scott Morrison, the Howard Government met with religious organizations and determined that the religious exemption was no longer current or necessary.1 A religion’s governing body would have to formally register an objection to the government to consider reinstating it.”

    This paragraph really goes to show you to what degree people have lost their understanding of what rights are all about. Our right to religious freedom is an INDIVIDUAL right. It does not depend on one or more religious bodies asserting such a right on our behalf. It is the right to follow our own conscience on matters such as these.

    1. Agreed, the religious freedom is about freedom of belief and action that maintains within 100% equal rights of others.

      For example, communism forces the belief of atheism and violates freedom of religion.

      For example, there may be religions which make women submit to men, for example, a woman must wear certain head gear and cannot be out in public without a male relative. This is a violation of 100% equal rights.

      We have the 100% equal right to bodily intake and exclusion. The people in the government don’t have the legitimate power to mandate these vaccinations.

      Vaccination freedom.

      Eliminating the vaccination mandate is my first petition. Investigating and charging the CDC and FDA with crimes as appropriate is my second petition. The third is to eliminate the law(s) shielding vaccine manufactures from lawsuits of injury. The next is to actual test if vaccinated people are actually healthier (and not just have more antibodies).

  6. I am already DAMAGED by my own government for VOLUNTERING to work for The American Red Cross as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army in Vietnam during the war! I am permanently damaged with peripheral neuropathy throughout my feet and legs and all the way up into my pelvis from exposure to toxic chemicals throughout my tour of duty! I have been ill my entire adult life and have had to pay out-of-pocket hundreds of thousands of $$ for private doctors over the years because up until recently they were the only doctors who would even treat me! I have applied for VA aid, that I was promised when I volunteered, and been turned down 3 times because “I did not carry a gun”! At this point I am living in poverty with no more money to throw at my ill health! I am in constant pain!!! I literally HATE the US at this point!

    1. I wish I could help you, poor health must be a living hell. Socialized medical care is clearly about controlling the people. A small example in Obama(doesn’t)care is the federal government using doctors as agents to spy on patients on gun ownership. Repeal Obama(doesn’t) care!

    2. How terrible. Have you tried cannabis oil? It is said to be very good for pain relief.

  7. Ephesians 6:12
    For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.

  8. This is basically a declaration by governments that the people don’t own their own bodies. Their bodies are owned by the government. Refusing to have deadly toxins and dangerous poisons injected into their own bodies which severely weakens and damages health is punished.

    Mega wealthy and extremely powerful vaccine manufacturers LAUGH all the way to the bank over the destroyed health and lives of many millions. The governments and vaccine manufacturers are GUILTY of MASSIVE CHILD ABUSE.

    If anyone other than the government via doctors and nurses injected these horrifying ingredients into the bodies of children, they would be prosecuted for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and would be JAILED FOR LIFE.

  9. The entire theory of vaccination is a complete fraud. Vaccines have never prevented a single disease. They have caused epidemics, damage and death since they very first started, even before “adjuvants” like mercury and all the other horrific ingredients they use now were ever thought of. Now they are far worse. It is not a case of scientific misunderstanding, the need for any more research, etc. Dr. Andrew Moulden (see our archive with him on youtube) showed the public that every vaccine causes brain and organ damage. So he had to die (2013). Dr. Bradstreet and others were unacceptable as well, for showing that vaccines cause autism and that autism is curable. Many brave doctors have now been killed, for showing the total malevolent hoax of modern medicine. It is good at saving people’s lives in trauma and a few necessary surgeries, but gives totally false information about health and disease, which is purposeful at the top levels of power, and then most of the doctors just repeat it. Most don’t even know the ingredients they are injecting into their patients.
    It is not a “science” problem, but one of malicious individuals in the top levels of power in government and global corporations. All of the major threats to humanity’s continued survival are coming intentionally from this same group. A solution to that problem must be found. Do not be distracted by trying to solve thousands of individual issues one at a time while they just create more and move closer to their goals of world tyranny and extermination. Solve the one problem, and the others go away. I don’t think this can be done by force, though they want the public to try that, so they can have the excuse to kill us en masse. The solution has to be more powerful and much more sophisticated. Every one of us has the brilliance and creativity to solve this successfully, though they want us to think we are weak, stupid and dependent on their “experts.” The problem is simpler than we are meant to believe: they intend to kill us and have already begun. Solutions exist.
    Richard Sacks, Host
    Lost Arts Radio
    Independent holistic health scientist since 1965
    Essene teacher and consultant

    1. Yes, I was re-reading the book by Gary Allen “None Dare Call it Conspiracy”. They’re doing the same thing they’ve been doing, distracting us with non-threats masquerading as real problems, all the while edging us closer and closer to the precipice of global communism.

      They take non issues like trannys using bathrooms and ignore the facts of chemtrails spewing toxins and disease from the sky, with Monsanto helping to destroy as many humans, animals, plants and the world as possible. They get everyone to fight so they can take control of us all. It’s a plan for global tyranny.

  10. I guess it comes down to a choice. Healthy non vaccine damaged kids with permanent health problems, or taking the money from the satan and possibly having vaccine damaged kids with permanent disability or death.

    People have to start wondering why they are supporting the government so much as they take more and more rights away from us all.

  11. I’m from Australia and have 4 unvaccinated adult children, from 30 to 43 years of age, Tony Abbott our past prime minister that bought in the “no jap no pay” rule has 2 daughters and he is on record saying that he will NOT vaccinate his daughters, hows that for hypocracy?

  12. The names of the officials their jobs and their violations instrument be reportable up the ligament of bid who faculty settle how the officials gift be disciplined Liu said adding the inspections would travel.

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