Monday, January 20, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Vaccination May Derail Development of Infant Immune System

Suzanne Humprhies
Suzanne Humphries, MD

Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a physician trained in internal medicine and nephrology, does not feel it is her place to advise people whether or not vaccinate themselves and their children, but she does believe that everyone deserves to have full access to information about vaccines in order to make informed decisions. Unfortunately, she notes, “I’ve yet to meet a pediatrician who is informed enough to offer informed consent.”

In the segment on vaccines on her website, Dr. Humphries says the history of vaccination is not as straightforward as the mainstream media commonly reports. She cites objections to vaccination as far back as the early days of the smallpox vaccine, when parents who saw their healthy infants and children grow sick and die after vaccination and other children come down with smallpox despite vaccination against it. Similar to what is happening today, the backlash against parents and doctors who questioned or refused vaccination could be harsh.

A bigger issue in her opinion is a general lack of understanding about the infant immune system and how it is affected by vaccination. There are good reasons why the infant immune system doesn’t function as the adult one does, as Dr. Humphries explains: It used to be that the lack of reactivity in the infant immune system was considered to be a defect, but it is actually nature’s way of allowing the baby time to discover the difference between “self” and “non-self” and to learn which foreign substances should be welcomed as beneficial and which are toxins that should be fought later. She disagrees with a recognized expert in infant immunology, quoted as saying that it is better to vaccinate infants than older children because, “Children have a better ‘take’ of vaccines in their first two years of life… There is a higher rate of immunogenicity, which is the child’s ability to produce antibodies to the vaccine antigen.”

Instead, Dr. Humphries says an infant’s fully functional immune cells are “clamped down” as they develop and learn how to defend themselves, for about the first 2 years, while breast milk protects the child by killing unwanted organisms. “With breast milk support, an infant immune system develops appropriately and systematically—in its own due time… to enable the infant to safely transition into immunological independence with the minimum level of inflammation possible.”

The problem is that the immature immune system can be effectively “derailed” by anything that causes chronic inflammation, such as vaccines. “Vaccines are designed to create peripheral inflammation, and vaccine adjuvants and antigens can cause brain inflammation, create allergies, and autoimmunity—resulting in constant inflammation all around the body.”

Most of the serious consequences of childhood diseases can be avoided in the U.S. and other countries with a little information about nutrition, antibiotic use, vaccines and some simple nursing skills, which explains why there are so many healthy unvaccinated children.

Read the full article at Suzanne Humphries MD.

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