Tuesday, February 18, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Former CDC Director Admits the Truth

by Ian Miller | Guest Writer
Robert Redfield
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, anyone who questioned lockdowns, mask mandates, the lab leak, or school closures was ...

A New Openness to the Reality of Vaccine Injury?

by Marco Cáceres
arms wide open
Normally, when you do a search on Google for "vaccine" of any variant of the word or phrase which includes the word, ...

COVID Shots and Rise in Excess Deaths in Many Countries

by Marco Cáceres
excess deaths
A recent study published in the British medical journal The BMJ found a total of 3,089,465 “excess deaths” reported in 47 Western countries ...

Tedros Must Face Reality

by David Bell | Guest Writer
It would be easier to ignore the World Health Assembly’s (WHA) deliberations in Geneva this week, but the opening address of the Director-General, Tedros ...

Measles Outbreak in Chicago Migrant Shelter Reveals at Least 28 Percent Were Vaccinated

by Barbara Loe Fisher
homeless man sleeping on bench
Following identification of 15 cases of measles in a Chicago shelter that houses migrants from Venezuela, city public health officials announced on ...

Rand Paul Exposes the ‘Great COVID Cover-up’

by Jon Miltimore | Guest Writer
Senator Rand Paul
In an explosive new op-ed, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) claimed that at least 15 separate federal agencies knew that attempts to create a COVID-19-like coronavirus were being ...

Unknown Risks of COVID Shot Harm Revealed in New Report

by Barbara Loe Fisher
clutching chest
At the request of the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), ...

Princess Catherine is One of Many More Young Adults With Cancer

by Pierre Kory, MD and Mary Beth Pfeiffer | Guest Writers
Princess Catherine is One of Many More Young Adults With Cancer
It is called early onset cancer. And the Princess of Wales, diagnosed at 42, is part of an unfortunate new trend of ...

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