Monday, September 23, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Naled Spraying in South Carolina to Combat Zika Kills Millions of Honeybees

Naled Spraying in South Carolina to Combat Zika Kills Millions of Honeybees

Early on a Sunday morning this past summer, the noxious pesticide Naled was sprayed over Dorchester County, South Carolina in an effort to kill Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which are believed to transmit the Zika virus. In collateral damage, the aerial spray also killed millions of honeybees. One local beekeeper, who lost 2.5 million bees in a matter of minutes, described the toll as devastating, saying her bee farm “looks like it’s been nuked.” Dorchester County administrator Jason Ward…

Sick is the New Normal

Sick is the New Normal

The alarming rise in incidence of chronic, inflammatory-type disorders among children cannot be fully explained by such theories as the hygiene hypothesis, poor eating habits or defective genes. Certainly, there is more to the root cause of food allergies, asthma, autism-spectrum disorders, type 1 and 2 diabetes, obesity, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (otherwise known as fatty liver disease…

Sugar Linked to Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Sugar Linked to Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

It is hard to comprehend the degree of damage perpetrated by sugar, one of the most wildly popular and ubiquitous ingredients in the typical Western diet. Consumption of sugar has already been identified as a leading risk factor in obesity, tooth decay, fatty liver disease, insulin resistance leading to diabetes and the metabolic syndrome, cancer, and heart disease. It has been likened to any other…

The Immune System: The Body’s Battlefield

The Immune System: The Body’s Battlefield

We often hear the terms immunity, the immune system and immune response thrown around when discussing the topic of vaccination. But do we really understand how the immune system is designed, its mechanism and the impact of vaccination on its overall function? Immunology is a vast and complex field of study, however, it is important to understand the basics…

Water: The Essence of Life

Water: The Essence of Life

Water is the essence of life. The human body cannot survive without water because it is so critical for all bodily functions. In fact, on average, the body of an adult human being contains 60 percent of water. Not drinking adequate amounts of water can have such a detrimental effect on overall health that a reduction in 10 percent of your normal body water percentage…

Science Says Antioxidant Foods Are Protective

Science Says Antioxidant Foods Are Protective

One of the tools which can help our immune system be as strong and resilient as possible, as well as avoid use of unnecessary pharmaceutical products, is our diet. Since the 1990s, foods “high in antioxidants” have been promoted as super foods that will do everything from keeping us young to preventing cancer. We are told that a diet rich in berries, kale, and dark chocolate…

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