Saturday, September 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Doctors Refuse to Provide Care for Unvaccinated COVID Patients

Doctors Refuse to Provide Care for Unvaccinated COVID Patients

Doctors throughout the United States are refusing to treat patients, even seriously ill patients, who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine.1 2 This comes at a time when there are a rising number of COVID-19 Delta variant cases occurring throughout the United States, with some hospitals in certain states being overwhelmed by the new cases.3 […]

Naval Commander Warns that Military Vaccine Mandate Poses Threat to National Security

Naval Commander Warns that Military Vaccine Mandate Poses Threat to National Security

A U.S. Naval Commander is warning that the Pentagon’s orders to mandate the COVID-19 vaccination for all service members could be a threat to national security due to unknown effects of vaccine complications.1 Naval Officer J.H. Furman said that further study is needed before requiring the entire military force, which is comprised of an estimated […]

All Members of the U.S. Armed Forces Will Be Required to Be Vaccinated for COVID

All Members of the U.S. Armed Forces Will Be Required to Be Vaccinated for COVID

In a stark change from military official and Pentagon stances given over the past few months, all military members will be required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine currently being distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that the deadline […]

NFL Tackles Polarizing New COVID-19 Vaccine Rules Restrictions

NFL Tackles Polarizing New COVID-19 Vaccine Rules Restrictions

The National Football League (NFL) has announced they will enforce strict new COVID vaccination, masking and testing rules this football season due to the availability of experimental COVID-19 vaccines, which are currently being distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The NFL lost an estimated three  to […]

COVID Vaccine Mandates Strongly Opposed in Europe, U.S. as Vaccine Failures Increase

COVID Vaccine Mandates Strongly Opposed in Europe, U.S. as Vaccine Failures Increase

Since coronavirus pandemic lockdowns were implemented by many governments in 2020, people around the world have held largely peaceful protests against unprecedented social distancing restrictions that are devastating global economies and ruining people’s lives.1 2 3 4 Now, faced with being ordered to obey new laws that require them to be injected with COVID-19 vaccines […]

NY Couple Furloughed for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine Over Pregnancy Concerns

NY Couple Furloughed for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine Over Pregnancy Concerns

A New York couple has filed a lawsuit with the Queens Supreme Court after both were furloughed from their catering jobs for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, citing unknown effects on conception and pregnancy. Jisserlin Reyes, 33, and Sandra Balbin, 36, planned to conceive via artificial insemination. Balbin said that the company already required wearing masks, […]

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