Saturday, September 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Many Tennis Stars Declining to Get COVID Shot

French tennis star, Jeremy Chardy announced that he will have to end his tennis season early due to a severe adverse reaction he suffered after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Since getting the vaccine, Chardy said he has experienced violent pain throughout his body when he expends physical effort. Describing his ordeal, Chardy explained, “since I […]

The Totalitarian Roots of Vaccine Mandates

The Totalitarian Roots of Vaccine Mandates

Opinion | Over the course of the pandemic, principles of what a free society means are being redefined by collectivists. Consider this essay, Don’t COVID Vaccine Mandates Actually Promote Freedom? Medical ethicists Kyle Ferguson and Arthur Caplan argue, “Those who oppose cracking down on the unvaccinated are getting it all wrong.” Ferguson and Caplan are sure their […]

Universities Face Lawsuits Over Policies That Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine

Universities Face Lawsuits Over Policies That Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine

Michigan State college has to answer in court for its new COVID-19 vaccination mandate that does not exempt individuals who have acquired natural immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus after recovering from the infection. The federal class action lawsuit filed by New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) on behalf of a school employee, who was subject to […]

Judge Revokes Mother’s Child Visitation Rights for Refusing COVID Vaccine

Judge Revokes Mother’s Child Visitation Rights for Refusing COVID Vaccine

A judge in Cook County, Illinois took away a mother’s parental visitation rights to see her 11-year-old son when he learned that she did not get the COVID-19 vaccine. The mother, Rebecca Firlit said that the judge, James Shapiro told her she could not see her son until she received the COVID-19 vaccine.1 Firlit and […]

The FDA Has a History of Rushed Drug Approvals

The FDA Has a History of Rushed Drug Approvals

Two weeks ago, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was reported as the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for individuals aged 16 and older.1 But, for some, questions remain regarding conflicting discrepancies of the wording surrounding the approval.2 While the FDA’s report states that full approval was […]

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