Thursday, October 10, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Pfizer Agrees to Settle Zantac Cancer Lawsuits for $250 Million

by Rishma Parpia
Zantac pills
Pfizer, Inc., the largest pharmaceutical corporation in the world marketing drugs and vaccines, has agreed to pay between $200 to $250 million ...

Pharmaceutical Companies Developing 270 New Vaccines

by Patrice La Vigne
The share of biologic-based drugs in the global pharmaceutical market is rising, with more and more products, especially vaccines, emerging ...

Merck Fraud Case Raises MMR Efficacy Questions

by Marco Cáceres
The measles outbreak in the United States this year has fueled fear within the public and among legislators throughout the ...

Drugs of Abuse Targeted for Future Vaccines

by Patrice La Vigne
More and more, vaccine strategists are targeting drugs of abuse, like cocaine, heroin and nicotine. The science behind the vaccines ...

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