Friday, June 28, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Pfizer Sued for Misleading Claims About Its COVID Shot

viral of Comirnaty COVID shot

The State of Kansas has sued Pfizer, Inc. over its mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) COVID-19 shot, Comirnaty. Kansas attorney general Kris Kobach alleges that the pharmaceutical giant labeled and marketed the novel biologic as, “safe and effective,” while knowing that the product could cause, “serious adverse events,” including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies and death.”1 Texas attorney general Ken Paxton filed a similar lawsuit against Pfizer.2

The 69-page Complaint filed in Thomas County District Court points out the misrepresentations that Pfizer made to the public, including claiming that (1) the shot prevented infection, despite knowing that any potential protection waned over time; and (2) the shot prevented transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, even though the shot was never tested for its ability to prevent transmission.

The Complaint alleges that the drug company’s actions and statements violated the Kansas Consumer Protections Act. The State of Kansas maintains that Pfizer must be held accountable for their obfuscation of the true nature of its product, which led to a $75 billion windfall profit for the drug company.3 4

Allegation That Pfizer Took Advantage of Kansas Residents’ Fear of COVID

According to the Complaint, after Pfizer advertised about its “life-saving vaccines” on Facebook, 3,355,518 doses of Comirnaty were administered to Kansas residents as of February 2024.5

The Complaint reads:

Pfizer took advantage of Kansans’ fear of COVID-19 and desire for safety by offering a “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine, while concealing, suppressing, and omitting material information that undermined its safety and effectiveness claims.6

Pfizer Hid Key Safety Data

Kansas further alleges that, while Pfizer made unsupported claims about Comirnaty, it concealed critical information about the safety and efficacy of its shot by implementing confidentiality agreements with governments across the globe and delaying access to patient safety data. To further hide the truth about the safety of Comirnaty, Pfizer purposefully destroyed health outcomes of the control group in clinical trials by eventually giving them the shot, which prevented any meaningful comparison of long term health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated participants in the clinical trials.7

Attorney General Kobach highlights that Pfizer’s Comirnaty safety information is limited as it only used healthy individuals and excluded unhealthy people for the product’s trials. The trials excluded anyone who was immunocompromised, vulnerable to COVID, had COVID, or was pregnant or breastfeeding. Furthermore, Pfizer hid this fact from the public when Comirnaty was granted an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).8

The Complaint alleges that, despite Pfizer and the U.S. government being aware of safety concerns and safety signals such as myocarditis and pericarditis, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla stated on CNBC

We constantly review and analyze the data. We’ve seen not a single [safety] signal although we have distributed billions of doses.9

Pfizer Knew But Failed to Disclose That Any Protection Provided by COVID Shot Waned

The Complaint alleges that Pfizer reported that Comirnaty was 95 percent effective in preventing COVID 28-days after the initial dose and Bourla said that this protection remained robust even after six months. However, the Complaint states that there was insufficient data to support these claims and Pfizer was aware that its product’s effectiveness waned, but the company hid this fact from the public.10

Pfizer Misrepresented That Its COVID Shot Prevented Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Virus

Kobach asserts that Bourla made multiple representations to Kansas that Comirnaty prevented transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, going so far as to call people who received the shot “Everyday Heroes.” The people of Kansas relied on these representations when they received the shot. Pfizer Board of Directors member and former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD said:

And final point, I mean, some of the optimism is also being driven by growing science, suggesting that these vaccines, all the vaccines not only prevent COVID disease, prevent symptoms, but also prevent transmission. So they could have a dramatic effect on reducing the overall tenor of the epidemic.11

Pfizer Violated Previously Filed Consent Judgments

The Complaint further contends that Pfizer breached previous consent judgments with the State of Kansas regarding consumer protection claims. A Consent Judgment entered into by Pfizer in 2008 due to its marketing and promotional practices for the prescription drugs Celebrex and Bextra set forth that the company would not make any false, misleading or deceptive claims pertaining to any FDA approved Pfizer product.

The Consent Judgment also provided that when communicating information about clinical studies, Pfizer will present accurate information according to explicit criteria set forth. Pfizer did not comply with this Consent Judgment and Kansas Attorney General put Pfizer on notice that they were in violation of the Consent Judgment in April 2024. The Complaint alleges that Pfizer has also violated similar Consent Judgments from 2012 and 2014.12

In response to the lawsuit, Pfizer said:

We are proud to have developed the COVID-19 vaccine in record time in the midst of a global pandemic and saved countless lives. The representations made by Pfizer about its COVID-19 vaccine have been accurate and science-based. The Company believes that the state’s case has no merit and will respond to the suit in due course.13

 Pfizer stock shares fell two percent after news of the lawsuit was released after having a decrease of  31 percent of their value over the past year.14

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18 Responses

  1. Thank you for your article. Please correct the typo in the paragraph heading above.


    I think you meant to put Allegation

  2. Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer as well as key players in the FDA need to be prosecuted for endangering the lives of people suffering or dead from these experimental shots.

  3. Misled? Why is everyone so afraid to call a lie a lie. Pfizer lied – willfully, intentionally, maliciously. And, they grossly profited by the lie while inflicting irreparable and mortal harms on the world’s population. People died – and they knew they would.

    What punishment is appropriate for these crimes?

    1. in the beginning of all this mess folks called out it’s TREASON! Treason because the people are supposed to be served by the gov elect and instead they brought death and harm to the American family, and disregarded the constitutional rights, namely, to informed consent and freedom of speech rights. Treason is punishable by hanging, not likely to come to that, but at the very least we need some officials to help us survive this mess. and get rid of whatever is leading us to our doom.

  4. What is needed for the guilty is prison sentences. These are crimes against humanity. This law for the rich and not for the poor has got to end. Justice has to be served. An example has to be set!

  5. Rich: “Prison Sentences” do not cut it for what could potentially be the greatest mass murder in earths’ history. Death sentence only.

  6. Unfortunately, the DoD is shifting their business to Moderna which is ramping up construction of vaccine facilities around the world so while Pfizer is under scrutiny, the circus rolls on. It’s a game of whack a mole.

    1. And the DoD is investing in fake meats, more experiments to come, on service people and all those working for DoD. Oh the joy of greed!

  7. This news, this article, and the comments are shelter from the storm. Thanks to all parties. I will not forget to donate, again, to NVIC.

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