Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Booster Shot for COVID May Eventually Be Required to Qualify as “Fully Vaccinated”

booster shot

As the COVID-19 booster vaccines are being rolled out for certain groups, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that the agency is considering changing the definition of “fully vaccinated” in the near future.1 “We have not yet changed the definition of ‘fully vaccinated.’ We will continue to look at this. We may need to update our definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ in the future,” said CDC director Rochelle Walensky, MD.2

CDC’s Current Criteria for “Fully Vaccinated” Against SARS-CoV-2

 Currently in the United States, people are considered “fully vaccinated” against the SARS-CoV-2 virus either two weeks after their second dose in a two-dose series, such as the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna/NIAID COVID experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) biologics, or two weeks after a single-dose COVID shot, such as Johnson & Johnson/Janssen’s experimental Ad26.COV2.S adenovirus vectored vaccine. The CDC states that if you do not meet these requirements you are not fully vaccinated, regardless of your age.3

Criteria For What CDC Considers “Fully Vaccinated” is Expected to Change to Include Booster Shots

 In light of the introduction of booster COVID shots, there has been speculation that the definition of “fully vaccinated” will change in the near future.4 “If you’re eligible for a booster, go ahead and get your booster and we will continue to follow,” Dr. Walensky said.5

The CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recently recommended booster COVID shots in certain populations. For individuals who received a Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna/NIAID COVID shots, the following groups are eligible for a booster shot at six months or more after their initial series: 65 years and older; age 18+ who live in long-term settings; age 18+ who have underlying medical conditions, and age 18+ who work or live in high-risk settings. For people who got the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen shot, boosters are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older and who were vaccinated two or more months prior.6

CDC Approves “Mixing and Matching” COVID Booster Shots by Different Manufacturers

 There are new booster recommendations for all three COVID shots produced by three different manufacturers currently available for use in the U.S. The CDC’s new recommendations now allow for “mix and match” dosing of COVID booster shots without regard for which manufacturer produced the vaccine. Eligible individuals may choose which vaccine they receive as a booster dose, opting to select the vaccine type they originally received or get a different booster shot produced by a different manufacturer.7

According to the CDC, receiving two different COVID shots produced by different manufacturers does not affect safety or effectiveness. A recent study used to support CDC’s  “mix and match” recommendation did not report any adverse reactions in the participants who “mixed and matched” boosters; however, the scientists acknowledged that the data on “mix and match” shots is limited to a very small sample of 458 participants enrolled in the study.8

David Dowdy, MD, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said:

We know that, in general, all of these vaccines are extremely safe. So there’s no reason to think that there would be any problem with [mixing and matching].9

Changing the Definition of “Fully Vaccinated” Will Affect Vaccination Mandates

 CDC’s indication that a COVID booster shot is likely to change the definition of what qualifies for being considered “fully vaccinated” will affect employees subjected to federal, state and local government and corporate COVID vaccination mandates implemented by employers. The change in the definition of “fully vaccinated” will also affect travelers using public transportation, students attending schools and universities, as well as anyone required to show a “vaccine passport” to enter restaurants, stores and other public venues, all of which require people to prove they are “fully vaccinated.”10

The definition change will require those who are currently considered “fully vaccinated” to receive additional doses of the COVID shot.11

One of the concerns regarding the push for requiring COVID booster shots is that there does not appear to be any limit to how many booster COVID shots will be required in the future. Jason Schwartz, PhD, a vaccine-policy expert at the Yale School of Public Health said:

I do think that the endgame in a year or two will likely be a vaccination program that regularly updates the vaccine and is administered on a set schedule for everyone.12

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14 Responses

  1. I wonder what these employers are going to do when their work drones get sick from these MRNA biologicals they’re trying to force on them. Bring in the robots?

  2. Vaccinated people can spread COVID at nearly the same rate as not vaccinated.
    As long as there are break through failures your not safe.
    The only safe people are the ones that recoverd from the current Covid strain.

    We cannot vaccinated our way out of this bio-engeered pandamic.

    If we dispose of all vaccine mandates we don’t have to worry about who “needs” a booster.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with your comment. The cdc won’t accept natural immunity or for those who recovered from covid 19. Health officials keep insisting us to get vaccinated. I really believe it’s not about getting out of the pandemic. There was no lock down during the Spanish flu pandemic FYI.

  3. Vaccine passport is very unacceptable. The CDC keeps changing the criteria of “fully vaccinated” which isn’t a surprise. I find it to be odd when they must wear a mask unless they’re fully vaccinated. They’re not fully vaccinated technically since covid vaccines wane over the time. And they still get sick from covid. The point is they do experiments on those who got the jab.

  4. This is LUNACY!!! Anyone who has to change a definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ shouldn’t be in charge of anything!! And Mr. Fauci lied to ‘We The People’!! Why are we listening to him??? Or to the CDC???

  5. You think listening to those even more clueless about health – the majority of those most-vocal dissing vaccines while folks keep dying in their stupidity and arrogance – the majority of politicians, will save you? Natural Selection at work.

  6. Note there is no forced vaccination at any of the Pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, CDC, the White House, the Senate, Congress etc. None of the former Presidents nor the current one, nor Fauci actually received the Vax on live television. Had any of them had an adverse reaction on video, the game would be over. The problem today is that there is no Common Sense anymore. When I tell people one has to teach it to their children they look at me like they don’t get it, ‘cause don’t.

  7. It has nothing to do with health. If you want to buy or sell you must give government the perpetual right to inject whatever they want to into your body even if it kills you,

  8. You mean eternal forever and ever booster injections that only boost the number of dangerous spike proteins that will wreck havoc on your immune and blood systems. As of now, no mRNA injections ever is required in order to remain healthy.

  9. Hope and against hope people will wake up to this people really want to spend the rest of their lives taking booster shots…there is already studies suggesting these experimental vaccines slowly diminish your immune system..

  10. Look- they’ve been caught “vaccinating” DEAD PEOPLE, then saying they died of “covid”. They’ll say ANYTHING to further their agenda of world destruction!

    But, it’s easy to tell who is brainwashed, they’re still wearing masks-in their CARS, DRIVING ALONE!!!!! This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so serious. Though it is a bit funny. Tee hee!!

  11. I am fortunate to live in a state that allows exemptions, and I was granted one, but there are many of my co workers who won’t get the boosters, since they already “took one for the team”. I wonder how they will react when their exemptions are denied because they have already received the jab?

  12. The CDC, a private corporation, is as corrupt as you can get. They get a royalty fee on all pharmaceuticals licensed through the agency. Fauci owns a huge part of the three pharma cos. that are approved for their vaccines. Congress has NOT granted the right to CDC to enforce the use of a booster or anything else. They do NOT have enforcement powers. Neither do the mandates hold any water as they have to be considered by both houses then voted on and passed by the Congress.
    The media is supporting this sham of a presidency and all the POS’s lies!

  13. I am NOT an anti vaccine. Even when 2nd shot s/e lasted months for me unfortunately

    Flu shot is only 30% or.less effective I still yearly get it.

    In reality they really don’t know what they are talking about concerning “fully vaccinated”. It takes many years perhaps a decade or so to know the real “Truth” about the specific vaccines.

    Scientists says “we learn as we go along”

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