Saturday, July 27, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Some Nurses Willing to Pay Hefty Price to Not Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Some Nurses Willing to Pay Hefty Price to Not Get COVID-19 Vaccine

These nurses are unvaccinated against COVID by choice. They’re part of a growing number of health care workers statewide protesting vaccine mandates in hospitals. [This nurse] says being forced to take a vaccine is against his religious beliefs. His wife […] says because she’d already had COVID her immunity is sufficient. The couple point to […]

Mandated Vaccinations. Who is Responsible for Their Risks?

Mandated Vaccinations. Who is Responsible for Their Risks?

Opinion | If I am mandated to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in order to keep my job, and subsequently experience an adverse event, who is responsible? Who is responsible if I have neurological complications, a heart attack, or a stroke and am never able to work again. Who is responsible if I die? Correct me […]

Doctors Refuse to Provide Care for Unvaccinated COVID Patients

Doctors Refuse to Provide Care for Unvaccinated COVID Patients

Doctors throughout the United States are refusing to treat patients, even seriously ill patients, who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine.1 2 This comes at a time when there are a rising number of COVID-19 Delta variant cases occurring throughout the United States, with some hospitals in certain states being overwhelmed by the new cases.3 […]

Naval Commander Warns that Military Vaccine Mandate Poses Threat to National Security

Naval Commander Warns that Military Vaccine Mandate Poses Threat to National Security

A U.S. Naval Commander is warning that the Pentagon’s orders to mandate the COVID-19 vaccination for all service members could be a threat to national security due to unknown effects of vaccine complications.1 Naval Officer J.H. Furman said that further study is needed before requiring the entire military force, which is comprised of an estimated […]

Jonathan Emord, JD on the Corruption Within the FDA

Jonathan Emord, JD on the Corruption Within the FDA

A significant minority of drugs that have been approved by the FDA have been approved over the FDA’s own medical reviewers’ objections on safety grounds. And the FDA’s whole system of drug review is bogus. It’s designed to protect and advance the interests of the drug industry. A lot of people don’t realize this but […]

Is it Really a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?

Is it Really a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?

One of the main rationales for why some U.S. health officials are referring to COVID-19 as a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is the claim that 97 percent of Americans who have been hospitalized  with symptoms of the illness are unvaccinated. During a White House press briefing on July 16, 2021, the director of the U.S […]

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