Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Equine Flu Shuts Down British Racing World

Equine Flu Shuts Down British Racing World

Story Highlights When three fully vaccinated horses tested positive for equine flu earlier in February, the British racing world was shut down for a week. After canceling all racing for six days and testing thousands of horses at hundreds of horse stables in England and Ireland, three more cases were identified at the original yard […]

U.K. Pediatricians Refuse Money from Baby Formula Companies

U.K. Pediatricians Refuse Money from Baby Formula Companies

Story Highlights The United Kingdom’s Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) has moved to stop accepting any funds from manufacturers of infant formula. The formula companies have a long history of questionable marketing ploys, particularly targeting poor and uneducated women in developing countries. The benefits of exclusively feeding babies with breast milk for […]

Global Vaccine Market Forecast to Surpass $50 Billion by 2024

Global Vaccine Market Forecast to Surpass  Billion by 2024

The global vaccine market is forecast to reach $50.9 billion by 2024, according to a new study released by Market Study Report of Selbyville, Delaware. This projection would represent an increase of 30.45 percent over today’s vaccines market, estimated at $35.4 billion, or a compound annual growth rate of about 6.2 percent.1 2 The revenue […]

Sen. Rand Paul Says Vaccines Give a False Sense of Security

Sen. Rand Paul Says Vaccines Give a False Sense of Security

It is wrong to say that there are no risks to vaccines. Even the government admit that children are sometimes injured by vaccines. Since 1988, over $4 billion has been paid out from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Despite the government admitting to in paying $4 billion for vaccine injuries, no informed consent is used […]

All Homeless People to Get Hepatitis A Vaccine

All Homeless People to Get Hepatitis A Vaccine

Story Highlights In October 2018, the CDC’s vaccine policymaking committee, ACIP, voted to recommend the hepatitis A vaccine to be routinely given to homeless persons. Hepatitis A infections are associated with poor sanitation and living conditions and the decision was made because outbreaks have occurred among homeless populations in the last few years. Hepatitis A […]

Russell Blaylock, MD on Attenuated Viruses Becoming Pathogenic Again

Russell Blaylock, MD on Attenuated Viruses Becoming Pathogenic Again

We know that when you inject live viruses in people, in a certain percentage of those people that virus will live for the rest of their life in their body. And they did a study on elderly people looking for measles virus in their tissues, and what they found is that if you looked at […]

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