Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Safety Implications of Microneedle Patches for Influenza Vaccine

Safety Implications of Microneedle Patches for Influenza Vaccine

A phase I clinical trial conducted by Emory University in collaboration with the Georgia Institute of Technology has found that influenza vaccination using Band-Aid-like patches with dissolvable microneedles is safe and was well-tolerated by the study’s participants. According to the Emory…

First of Its Kind Survey Shows Vaccinated Children Get Sicker

First of Its Kind Survey Shows Vaccinated Children Get Sicker

The scientific publication Journal of Translational Science has published one of the first surveys to formally assess the longer-term health outcomes associated with the United States routine childhood vaccination program. Primarily authored by Dr. Anthony R. Mawson (a public health epidemiologist…

Repeat Influenza Vaccination Yields Reduced Antibody Response

Repeat Influenza Vaccination Yields Reduced Antibody Response

Multiple vaccinations may not afford better protection against influenza viruses than fewer inoculations, according to an Australian study of vaccine responses in health care workers (HCWs) reported in Vaccine. Postvaccine protective antibody titers were highest in HCWs who were vaccinated…

France Has Lowest Confidence in Vaccines

France Has Lowest Confidence in Vaccines

A recent study published in EBioMedicine conducted by researchers from the Vaccine Confidence Project at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and other institutions reveals that public confidence in vaccines varies among different nations with European nations being the most skeptical of vaccines. The purpose of the study is to provide insights for policy makers to identify…

Alzheimer’s Vaccine: Researchers Target Brain Proteins in Mouse Study

Alzheimer’s Vaccine: Researchers Target Brain Proteins in Mouse Study

U.S. and Australian scientists are reporting that they have developed a promising vaccine platform for Alzheimer’s disease. Investigators at Flinders University in Australia have teamed with researchers from California’s Institute of Molecular Medicine and the University of California on the international quest to discover a vaccine formulation for Alzheimer’s disease.

Study: Febrile Seizure Risk Higher When Childhood Vaccines Given Simultaneously

Study: Febrile Seizure Risk Higher When Childhood Vaccines Given Simultaneously

The link between febrile seizures—seizures associated with a fever in a child—and vaccines may be old news, but a new study published in the June 2016 issue of the journal Pediatrics confirms what parents have suspected for a long time: the risk of seizures is higher for children when doctors give them many vaccines at the same time. Public health officials at the U.S. Centers…

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