Wednesday, May 15, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


American Cancer Society Tells Doctors to Give Nine-Year-Old Children HPV Vaccine

young girl with blonde hair

The American Cancer Society (ACS) updated its guidelines for human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination on July 8, 2020 and now recommends that doctors and other healthcare providers routinely administer the two-dose HPV vaccination series to boys and girls between the ages of nine and 10.1 Currently, the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends […]

Comparing the Health of Children in Japan and America

Japanese children walking to school

Story Highlights Japanese children are recognized as among the healthiest in the world, while American children compare poorly, despite the U.S. spending more than any other country on health care. Japan’s vaccine policy is non-compulsory, with vaccines considered either “routine” or “voluntary” but never forced. High rates of adverse events following MMR and HPV vaccinations […]

FDA Approves Medical Device to Treat Children With ADHD

boy with ADHD

Story Highlights The FDA recently approved a medical device known as called Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation System (eTNS) for treating children diagnosed with ADHD. The methodology of the clinical trial used to test the safety and efficacy of the electrical nerve stimulation device was flawed, which has raised concerns about safety. There are glaring […]

Tamiflu Again Linked to Extreme Adverse Reactions

Tamiflu packet of pills

Three separate families have blamed Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche’s antiviral drug Tamiflu (oseltamivir) for drug-induced very serious side effects—including a suicide—following administration of Tamiflu to their children during the 2017-2018 influenza season. There have been numerous cases reported in past years indicating a connection between the use of this antiviral drug…

Sudden Infant Deaths Remain High in the U.S.

infant sleeping

A recent report by WTVM television of Columbus, GA claimed, “Three to four babies a week are dying in Georgia due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or other sleep related causes.” In 2015, there were 170 sleep-related infant deaths in Georgia alone, up from previous years.

Why Did Peanut Butter Become An Allergen?

I can remember eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch while growing up. Hell, I still eat them. Now, as I try to watch my sugar intake, I enjoy peanut butter on apple slices. It’s a healthy indulgence. But, for those with peanut allergies, it’s a life threatening allergen. I had never heard of peanut allergies until one of my coworkers told me about her son. Peanuts, and other foods…

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