Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Google Shuts Down Traffic to Health Advocate

Google Shuts Down Traffic to Health Advocate

Opinion | One of the top natural health/health awareness websites in the world,, has been censored by Google as well as other social media platforms for simply sharing information. Who is this ‘ministry’ of truth deciding what people get to see and what people don’t get to see? Why can’t the people have a […]

Anti-Vaxxers are Dangerous and Should Be Arrested?

Anti-Vaxxers are Dangerous and Should Be Arrested?

Opinion | You may have noticed a recent article in The Washington Post by Juliette N. Kayyem entitled “Anti-vaxxers are dangerous. Make them face isolation, fines, arrests.”1 My initial reaction was the article must have been written by a moron. However, my opinion changed when I discovered the author, Ms. Kayyem, who graduated from Harvard […]

Media Dismisses Legitimate Concerns About Vaccines

Media Dismisses Legitimate Concerns About Vaccines

Opinion | I am sorry to say I found the recent Orlando Sentinel editorial “Florida should end religious exemptions to measles vaccine”1 to be really crass and heartless in tone. Tired points were once again trotted out (movement stems from “false” study in The Lancet, no link between autism and vaccines, Jenny McCarthy’s “propaganda,” anti-vaxxers […]

White, College-Educated, ‘Whole Foods Moms’ Deemed the Enemy

White, College-Educated, ‘Whole Foods Moms’ Deemed the Enemy

Opinion | If you are someone who has questions about the safety of vaccines or the wisdom of giving so many vaccines at one time and over the course of a lifetime, or if you question the ethics of forced vaccination laws that deny the right to informed consent to vaccine risk taking, or if […]

“The Greater Good” Documentary Film Pulled by Amazon

“The Greater Good” Documentary Film Pulled by Amazon

On Mar. 1, 2019, U.S. Congressman Adam Schiff  of California sent an open letter to Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, expressing concern about videos and books offered and marketed by Amazon that he believes provide either “misinformation” or “misleading information” about vaccines and vaccination. He said, “I am writing out of my concern […]

How to Immunize Yourself Against Vaccine Propaganda

How to Immunize Yourself Against Vaccine Propaganda

A New York Times editorial attacks “anti-vaxxers” as “the enemy”, but it’s the Times editors who are dangerously irrational and ignorant of the science. Opinion | On January 19, 2019, the New York Times published an editorial mischaracterizing anyone who dares to criticize or dissent from public vaccine policy as dangerously irrational and ignorant.1 In doing so, the Times avoided […]

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