Monday, September 23, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


The Story of Measles’ Sharp Decline

The Story of Measles’ Sharp Decline

In articles published last year in The Vaccine Reaction, “Polio Wasn’t Vanquished, It Was Redefined” and “The Salk ‘Miracle’ Myth,” I proposed that the reason the number of reported cases of polio in the United States declined so much in 1955—the year the Salk inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) was introduced—was due to the redefinition of polio by the U.S. government in 1954.

Inflammation: The Good and the Bad

Inflammation: The Good and the Bad

Inflammation is becoming a hot topic of discussion among health care professionals looking at nutritional and other therapies to address chronic diseases. Although a lot of people are talking about it, but how much is known about the role that acute and chronic inflammation plays in human health and why can unresolved inflammation pose a threat to good health?

The Fear of a Simple Fever

The Fear of a Simple Fever

If your child has a low fever, do you race to the medicine cabinet and reach for acetominophen (Tylenol) or another antipyretic (fever medicine) to lower your child’s body temperature as soon as possible? Do you call the pediatrician right away? While this is no doubt a natural reaction from parents concerned about their child’s illness, is your child’s fever always a cause…

The Blood-Brain Barrier: Nature’s Security System

The Blood-Brain Barrier: Nature’s Security System

It would appear to be a most challenging problem: How can we allow in the essential molecules needed to nourish and support the brain while keeping out potentially harmful bacteria and chemicals? The Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) is one of nature’s many amazing and elegant solutions that allows human and animal life to exist as we know it. It would appear to be a most…

Report Raises Questions About Microcephaly “Epidemic” in Brazil and Link to Zika

Report Raises Questions About Microcephaly “Epidemic” in Brazil and Link to Zika

A recent article in the publication Nature cites a report by the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC) raising questions about the size of the “apparent surge” in the number of babies being born in Brazil with a fetal abnormality known as microcephaly, characterized by a smaller than normal head and brain damage. Declan Butler, who…

The Environmental Tragedies of Vaccines

The Environmental Tragedies of Vaccines

Concerns over the physiological effects of vaccines on humans are widely discussed but the public conversation about vaccine risks rarely focuses on the detrimental impact on our environment? Unfortunately, vaccines not only cause harm to individuals but also pose serious threats to our environment and ecosystems—an issue that deserves more attention…

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