Monday, September 23, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


CDC Predicted “Second Wave” of Influenza This Year

CDC Predicted “Second Wave” of Influenza This Year

Although spring is when the typical “flu season” ends, officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned in mid-March 2018 that a “second wave” of influenza B virus appeared to be on the way and could cause more illness, especially among young children. News reports stated that the majority…

Comparative Diets to Address Chronic Inflammation

Comparative Diets to Address Chronic Inflammation

One of the hallmarks of many chronic diseases and disorders is unresolved inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can develop when the immune system’s normal inflammatory response to an implied threat continues unabated rather than turning off once the threat is gone. Chronic inflammation…

Milk: Does It Really Do a Body Good?

Milk: Does It Really Do a Body Good?

Alone among mammals, only humans continue to drink milk into adulthood, and only humans purposely drink the milk of other mammals. As a rule, adult humans don’t drink human milk but continue to consume milk and dairy products made from the milk of other species. Traditionally, nutritionists have strongly…

The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis and Vaccines

The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis and Vaccines

Ever since the discovery of the antibiotic commonly known as penicillin in the late-1920s, antibiotic drugs have transformed the face of modern medicine. Antibiotics have historically played an instrumental role in successfully treating bacterial infections. However, the overuse and misuse of these medications over the last…

CDC Calls for Antiviral Drug Use to Combat Flu

CDC Calls for Antiviral Drug Use to Combat Flu

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a public health advisory warning that the incidence of influenza infection, primarily with the virulent A(H3N2) strain, has been increasing rapidly over the last month.1 Historically, influenza A(H3N2) has been linked to an increased risk of hospitalizations…

Immune Response May Highlight Gender Differences

Immune Response May Highlight Gender Differences

The designation “man flu” began as a joke to acknowledge the eye-rolling observation among women that the men in their lives consistently complain more and feel and act sicker than they do, given the same diagnosis. New research, however, may vindicate males: gender differences in immune system responses may actually provide…

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