Monday, September 23, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Patients Minus Appendix at Greater Risk for Parkinson’s Disease

Patients Minus Appendix at Greater Risk for Parkinson’s Disease

Story Highlights Findings from a new study suggest that removing the appendix is associated with an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease. The appendix, which is an organ that is part of the body’s immune system, was once believed by medical professionals to have no functional purpose. Interfering with the body’s natural immune system carries the […]

How Quickly AFM Has Been Overshadowed by Measles

How Quickly AFM Has Been Overshadowed by Measles

With all the attention to being given by the media and state legislatures to measles these days, it easy to overlook the mysterious polio-like disorder known as acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) that continues to affect children in the United States and other countries. Last year, there were a total of 230 confirmed cases of AFM […]

Vaccine Strain Measles from MMR Vaccine?

Vaccine Strain Measles from MMR Vaccine?

There have been at least two reported cases of children with measles in the United States this year that have turned out not to have been wild-type measles after all. The two cases involve children in Oakland County and Washtenaw County, Michigan. Both children had exhibited symptoms of measles and initially tested positive for the […]

Experimental Nexvax2 Vaccine for Celiac Disease on FDA Fast-Track for Approval

Experimental Nexvax2 Vaccine for Celiac Disease on FDA Fast-Track for Approval

Story Highlights A new, experimental vaccine against celiac disease has been granted fast-track status by the FDA, indicating a perceived urgency in getting the vaccine to market. Celiac disease has been increasing dramatically over the last 50 or so years, approximately mirroring the introduction of new breeds of wheat, bred for greater yield, that now […]

Minnesota Establishes Autism Council

Minnesota Establishes Autism Council

In October 2018, the Minnesota State Senate established a working group called the Minnesota Autism Council to provide guidance on how best to address issues relating to autism, including “treatment, educational options, employment opportunities, independent living, and more.” It was decided that the council would consist of individuals from different backgrounds, including autism advocates and […]

The Growing Number of Special Education Students in America

The Growing Number of Special Education Students in America

Public school teachers in Los Angeles, California went on strike last month to demand better conditions for students in their schools. Not only were teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District asking for a pay increase but also demanded smaller class sizes, more counselors, more librarians and a full-time nurse in every school.1 Such […]

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