Saturday, September 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Vax Passports: The Medium Is the Message

Vax Passports: The Medium Is the Message

Opinion | As the concept of vaccine certificates began tickling the fancy of certain segments of the public last spring and summer, opponents reliably invoked Orwell in response to what came to be called “freedom passports,” “green passes,” or other such cute names. The public intellectual that came to my mind, though, was Marshall McLuhan. […]

Federal Employees Fight COVID Vaccine Mandates in Court

Federal Employees Fight COVID Vaccine Mandates in Court

With a looming deadline of Nov. 22, 2021, thousands of federal employees and contractors continue to push back against the Biden administration’s sweeping COVID vaccine mandates. According to The Washington Post, tens of thousands of federal employees remain unvaccinated pending word on whether religious or medical exemptions will be approved. Federal employees who fail to […]

Vaccine Passports are Akin to Institutionalized Segregation

Vaccine Passports are Akin to Institutionalized Segregation

Opinion | Increasingly, vaccination is no longer a matter of choice. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of workplaces and schools are instituting COVID-19 vaccine mandates, with more expected following formal FDA licensure of the vaccines. But mandating people and their children who have consciously chosen not to get vaccinated—a group that tends to be younger, less educated, […]

U.S. Marines Not Fully Vaccinated by Nov. 28, 2021 Will Be Dismissed

U.S. Marines Not Fully Vaccinated by Nov. 28, 2021 Will Be Dismissed

After several tactics to encourage mass vaccination of U.S. troops, the Marine Corps has given its active duty members a strict order: refusal to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 28, 2021 will result in discharge.1 In August, the Pentagon announced mandatory COVID vaccinations for all active duty and reserve military members, including the National Guard.2 […]

Stanford Epidemiologist Says COVID Vaccination is Primarily a Matter of Personal Health, Not Public Health

Stanford Epidemiologist Says COVID Vaccination is Primarily a Matter of Personal Health, Not Public Health

Opinion | As one-size-fits-all COVID vaccine mandates sweep government, academia, and corporate America, new data are emerging that undermine the public health justifications for these policies. Studies from multiple countries now indicate that vaccination alone is less effective than the acquired immunity many already possess and unable to prevent transmission in the medium-to-long term. Since the pandemic began, more […]

Questions About Southwest Airlines’ Cancelled Flights Continue

Questions About Southwest Airlines’ Cancelled Flights Continue

Southwest Airline Pilots Association (SWAPA), a collective bargaining unit which represents more than 9,000 Southwest pilots, filed a lawsuit against Southwest Airlines on Aug. 30, 2021 asking the court for injunctive relief against the airlines continued violation of the parties’ Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and the Railway Labor Relations Act. A CBA is a contract […]

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