Sunday, September 22, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Clinical Study Explores mRNA-Based Technology for Vaccines

Clinical Study Explores mRNA-Based Technology for Vaccines

On July 25, 2017, the British journal The Lancet published results of an early-stage trial that could herald the arrival of a whole new class of vaccines. CureVac, a German biopharmaceutical company that focuses on therapeutic applications using messenger RNA (mRNA), announced “proof of concept” results from their Phase I study…

The Epidemic of Silence with Adverse Drug Reactions

The Epidemic of Silence with Adverse Drug Reactions

One of the more bothersome feedback loops that keeps adverse drug reactions from being recognized is that patients stay silent about their pain and suffering, and therefore their pain and suffering is not recognized or appreciated, and everyone gets to continue to think that dangerous drugs are safe and that adverse reactions are rare.

Vaccine Vendors’ Greed Gone Viral (Part II)

Vaccine Vendors’ Greed Gone Viral (Part II)

So how do such vaccines enter the Indian market to begin with? According to paediatricians, this happens through a well-oiled system of quid pro quo between vaccine companies and organisations responsible for recommending vaccines. “Most doctors depend on the recommendations given by organisations such as…

Vaccine Vendors’ Greed Gone Viral (Part I)

Vaccine Vendors’ Greed Gone Viral (Part I)

[Vaccination] is a nexus controlled by big private vaccine makers, ­mostly ­foreign, that decides your baby gets 15 shots more for the doctor to make ­money. Even if the vaccine is useless—not to talk of the huge mark-ups. There is no vaccine against the venal mind. No [vaccination] ever invented gives us a complete coat of armor.

Tactics Doctors Use to Pressure Hesitant Parents to Vaccinate

Tactics Doctors Use to Pressure Hesitant Parents to Vaccinate

The number of parents questioning the wisdom of the currently recommended schedule is up and corroboration is easy to find. An article in the journal Pediatrics in August 2016 reported that the number of pediatricians encountering parents who either question vaccine safety…

The Safety Implications of Pharmacists Giving Vaccines

The Safety Implications of Pharmacists Giving Vaccines

A new survey conducted by healthcare communications solutions firm PrescribeWellness LLC of Irvine, CA found that 62 percent of respondents preferred visiting their local pharmacy to get vaccinated rather than going to their doctor’s office. In its 2017 Vaccination and Preventive Care Survey, PrescribeWellness interviewed 1,000 Americans over the age of 35 on their views of vaccination…

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