Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


My Son Was Harmed by the DPT Shot | Barbara Loe Fisher

My Son Was Harmed by the DPT Shot | Barbara Loe Fisher

I was a first-time mom. [I had] a little boy in 1980, when I took him in for a fourth DPT shot. And back then, parents hadn’t been told anything about vaccines, the fact that they could cause reactions, injuries, deaths. So he actually had DPT and oral polio vaccine that day, and within hours […]

Big Shortage of Doctors for Chronically Ill Americans

Big Shortage of Doctors for Chronically Ill Americans

Story Highlights A recent survey released by Merritt Hawkins reveals that not only are American hospitals and clinics facing a shortage of primary care physicians but also a shortage of medical specialists. The survey attributes this to an aging population. However, the report also reveals that there is a shortage of pediatric subspecialties indicating a […]

Media Misreports Death of El Al Flight Attendant

Media Misreports Death of El Al Flight Attendant

Many media outlets that reported the death of Israeli flight attendant Rotem Amitai on Aug. 13, 2019 published articles with headlines that either stated she died of measles or implied as much. The Times of Israel headline, for example, read, “Flight attendant who died from measles named as Rotem Amitai.” The United Kingdom’s Daily Mail […]

NVIC’s Barbara Loe Fisher Receives 2019 “Game Changer Award” from Dr. Mercola

NVIC’s Barbara Loe Fisher Receives 2019 “Game Changer Award” from Dr. Mercola

Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of the popular health and wellness website, has given the 2019 Game Changer Award to NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher for “her decades of public education and tireless advocacy for safer vaccines and informed consent protections.” The Game Changer award recognizes an individual “whose work stands as a […]

Vaccinated Nurse in Seattle Diagnosed With Measles

Vaccinated Nurse in Seattle Diagnosed With Measles

A vaccinated nurse at  Seattle Children’s Hospital was recently diagnosed with measles after having been exposed to a child who tested positive for measles infection. The child had been in the hospital’s emergency room on June 22, June 25 and June 26, 2019 but only showed symptoms of measles during the third visit. Hospital officials […]

Experimental Oral Rabies Vaccines Will Target Wildlife in Nine States

Experimental Oral Rabies Vaccines Will Target Wildlife in Nine States

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Wildlife Services (WS) is conducting a rabies control program using an experimental oral rabies vaccine (ORV) to try to stop the spread of rabies among wildlife populations. The USDA is set to use baited traps on the ground or planes to spray wildlife with the experimental oral rabies vaccine, […]

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