Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Combination Vaccines and Febrile Seizures: Should Parents be Concerned?

Combination Vaccines and Febrile Seizures: Should Parents be Concerned?

The childhood immunization schedule recommended by The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), calls for 50 doses of 14 vaccines by a child’s 6th birthday.1 These vaccines are delivered in a series of shots, some of which are multiple vaccines combined into one injection. In the U.S., there is an ongoing trend to increase the […]

Media Using Native Advertising to Promote Vaccines

Media Using Native Advertising to Promote Vaccines

There are many different types of articles being published online today that could qualify as “fake news.” One kind that is not well known is something called “native advertising.” Revenue-hungry mainstream media is getting very clever about using native advertising to attack anyone who dares to criticize vaccine safety or national vaccine policy. Whenever you […]

“The Greater Good” Documentary Film Pulled by Amazon

“The Greater Good” Documentary Film Pulled by Amazon

On Mar. 1, 2019, U.S. Congressman Adam Schiff  of California sent an open letter to Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, expressing concern about videos and books offered and marketed by Amazon that he believes provide either “misinformation” or “misleading information” about vaccines and vaccination. He said, “I am writing out of my concern […]

The Case Against Mandatory Vaccination

The Case Against Mandatory Vaccination

Public policy in our country and state today is being driven by many dangerous elements and forces. Of substantial concern are policies, agendas and legislation being driven by claims of crises, which do not exist and are unsupported by reality, fact or science. It is dangerous when these claims are driven by the politics of […]

FDA Warns of Potential Danger from Gadolinium in MRIs

FDA Warns of Potential Danger from Gadolinium in MRIs

MRIs are a common medical procedure. However, there is one potentially dangerous element in them and everyone needs to know about it. It’s called gadolinium. It’s a metallic substance used in contrast dyes and patients ingest it to make the results easier to read. It’s also potentially toxic. Gadolinium can stay in your system, causing […]

Mumps-like Parotitis Strikes Crew of U.S. Navy Ship

Mumps-like Parotitis Strikes Crew of U.S. Navy Ship

The U.S. Navy’s amphibious warship the U.S.S. Fort McHenry (LSD-43) has been quarantined at sea for more than two months due to an outbreak of a mumps-like disease known as parotitis among its crew.1 CNN has reported that 25 sailors and Marines aboard the ship have been diagnosed with parotitis, which is characterized by inflammation […]

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