Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Pinterest Bans GreenMedInfo for Posting Natural Health & Vaccine Safety Info

Pinterest Bans GreenMedInfo for Posting Natural Health & Vaccine Safety Info

Pinterest, one of social media’s largest players, is banning websites like GreenMedInfo which promote natural healing methods and provide access to peer-reviewed research questioning vaccine safety. Opinion | On Dec. 13th, 2018 Pinterest removed, one of the world’s most trafficked and widely referenced natural health research sites, from its platform, stating: “your linked website violated our […]

Is the Chickenpox Vaccine Creating a Shingles Epidemic?

Is the Chickenpox Vaccine Creating a Shingles Epidemic?

Many of you reading this probably remember having chickenpox as a child. You were likely tired, feverish and had an itchy rash, which subsequently cleared up, leaving you with lifelong natural immunity. Getting chickenpox was so common it was a rite of passage of sorts, which virtually all school-age children experienced. Today chickenpox has become […]

The Leon Show—Vaccines and our Children

The Leon Show—Vaccines and our Children

The history [of vaccination] is important because human beings have actually created a lot of their own problems. Now, while they didn’t create the viruses and the bacteria, at least back then they didn’t… today, they are, they created the conditions that made these microbes extremely dangerous. So, when you look at how people were […]

Burnout Among Physicians is a Crisis In Medicine That Can Lead to Medical Errors

Burnout Among Physicians is a Crisis In Medicine That Can Lead to Medical Errors

Up before dawn making breakfast for her two sons and daughter, who has special needs… And that’s all before doctor […] starts her shift in the Stanford emergency department. The busiest time in the ER, afternoon? Yeah, evening. Yep. Today, Dr. […] is teaching medical students. On buy days, she’ll see 15 to 20 patients […]

Italy’s Health Minister Opposes Coercive Vaccine Policies

Italy’s Health Minister Opposes Coercive Vaccine Policies

On Dec. 4, 2018, Italy’s Minister of Health, physician Giulia Grillo, dismissed all 30 members of the Italian Ministry of Health’s health advisory board, the Consiglio Superiore di Sanità (CSS) or Higher Health Council. According to an article in Il Globo newspaper, “The CSS is the country’s most important committee of technical-scientific experts, who advise […]

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