Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Cincinnati Nurses Fired After They Declined Flu Vaccine

Cincinnati Nurses Fired After They Declined Flu Vaccine

Both of these women have had bad experiences with flu vaccines. Lisa Smith was temporarily paralyzed from the neck down 12 years ago after a flu shot. Nurse Michelle Krinsky got sick two years running, then was fired last month for refusing it. Those working at Christ [hospital] are required to get the shot. Krinsky […]

Indian Girls Die Following Vaccinations

Indian Girls Die Following Vaccinations

Government authorities in India are investigating the possible link between vaccines and the deaths of two children in separate regions of the country. The first case is that of 15-year old Chenchu Lakshmi, who received the measles and rubella vaccine at a camp in the town…

Group to Study Effect of Aluminum in Vaccines

Group to Study Effect of Aluminum in Vaccines

An independent working committee called Factcare has been established in Denmark to begin a campaign to raise money to study the effect of aluminum in vaccines and to “restart the debate about vaccines”—specifically as it relates to the use of aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines. As Factcare’s website states: “It is all about aluminium. It is about the fact that aluminium might be poisonous to the body. It is about the fact that it is not obligatory.”

Yes, Vaccination is 18th Century Science

Yes, Vaccination is 18th Century Science

Bill Nye, more popularly known on television as the “Science Guy,” continues to rail against the informed consent rights of individuals when it comes to vaccination. In a recent NowThis Future segment on Facebook titled “Bill Nye Takes On: Anti-Vaxxers,” Nye urged, “Everybody, you have to get vaccinated. This is 250-year-old technology. Vaccines, oh yes, they protect you from germs.

Holding the Line on Vaccine Exemptions in America

Holding the Line on Vaccine Exemptions in America

When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I really didn’t know a lot about this issue, But I started reading and asking questions and my mom sent me my baby book, and in it there was a vaccine reaction recorded for me, and that wasn’t something we had talked about, and it was pretty […]

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