Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Fake Science in Scientific and Medical Studies

Fake Science in Scientific and Medical Studies

Our cover story this week may lead you to question much of what you hear and read about scientific and medical studies. It’s a cautionary note issued by respected industry leaders who say unseen interests are exerting enormous control over research and what is or isn’t published. Their startling claim that a large percentage of […]

African-Americans, Vaccines and a History of Suspicion

African-Americans, Vaccines and a History of Suspicion

A good parent is not sure what to believe. On one side, doctors tell us vaccinations are safe and necessary for our children. They’ve been in existence for hundreds of years, most people get them and they are credited with eradicating diseases and saving lives. On the other side are numerous horror stories involving vaccinated children like that of Harvard-educated attorney…

“Iron Lungs” Still Around. They’re Called Ventilators.

“Iron Lungs” Still Around. They’re Called Ventilators.

One of the most common lines of argument offered by vaccine apologists as “proof” of how effective mass vaccination programs were in vanquishing polio is to argue that there are no “iron lung” machines anymore. The logic goes something like this: “Do you see anymore iron lungs anywhere? No, right? Well, that’s because, thanks to vaccines, we eradicated polio from this country.

No Baldness Vaccine, But Some Hair Loss After Vaccination

No Baldness Vaccine, But Some Hair Loss After Vaccination

With all the vaccines being proposed these days for everything from obesity and acne to high cholesterol, cocaine addiction, stress, depression, high blood pressure, and bad breath, I thought, “You know, someone’s just got to be working on vaccine for baldness.” After all, that would surely be a huge money-maker for the vaccine industry. So I proceeded to do a few Google searches.

The ‘Vaccine Court’ Is Hazardous to Your Health

The ‘Vaccine Court’ Is Hazardous to Your Health

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act was passed in 1986, under the shadow of multi-million dollar jury verdicts against the makers of the Diphtheria Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT) vaccine. Congress announced that vaccine injuries and deaths are real and provided that vaccine-injured children and their families would be financially compensated. Part of the larger Vaccine…

Why Did Peanut Butter Become An Allergen?

Why Did Peanut Butter Become An Allergen?

I can remember eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch while growing up. Hell, I still eat them. Now, as I try to watch my sugar intake, I enjoy peanut butter on apple slices. It’s a healthy indulgence. But, for those with peanut allergies, it’s a life threatening allergen. I had never heard of peanut allergies until one of my coworkers told me about her son. Peanuts, and other foods…

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