Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


The Quest for Vaccine Safety: A Return to the Dark Ages?

The Quest for Vaccine Safety: A Return to the Dark Ages?

Shortly after it was reported by media sources on January 10, 2017 that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was asked by then President-elect Donald Trump to lead the formation of a commission to look into the safety of vaccines and their possible connection to autism, articles began to appear in newspapers, magazines, and other news…

Dan Olmsted: A Journalist for All Seasons

Dan Olmsted: A Journalist for All Seasons

When I learned early last week that Dan Olmsted was no longer here, like everyone who knew him, I was shocked and then felt very sad that the world had lost a brave and tenacious investigative journalist who created a powerful platform for a public discussion about autism and vaccines. I first heard his name in 2003 when I…

FDA Gives Green Light to Test Lyme Disease Vaccine on Humans

FDA Gives Green Light to Test Lyme Disease Vaccine on Humans

Clinical trials for a new Lyme disease vaccine will be conducted in the U.S. and Belgium after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Union’s Clinical Trial Application gave Biotech firm Valneva of France clearance to begin Phase I testing. Valneva is developing VLA15, a hexavalent, protein subunit-based vaccine…

Big Pharma Extorts People Worse Than Somali Pirates | Peter Gøtzsche, MD

Big Pharma Extorts People Worse Than Somali Pirates | Peter Gøtzsche, MD

An old saying has it that nature heals while doctors take the fee. But our guest today argues that doctors’ relationship with money has come into direct conflict with nature’s ability to heal. How blurry is the line between healing and killing? Well, to discuss it I am now joined by Dr. Peter Gøtzsche, director of […]

Sit Down Science

Sit Down Science

Industry funded “science” has tainted our world and turned science-based evidence into science-biased propaganda. Universities are laundering money through foundations to intentionally hide relationships, while scientists secretly nurture their relationships with corporate executives. Negative outcomes go unpublished…

SIRVA: A Risk With Every Vaccine

SIRVA: A Risk With Every Vaccine

Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) occurs when a vaccine, any vaccine, is injected improperly, causing physical and functional damage to the affected arm and shoulder. The injury occurs when a vaccine is mistakenly injected into the shoulder joint or bursa, a fluid filled sac that keeps the shoulder…

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