Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Science Says Antioxidant Foods Are Protective

Science Says Antioxidant Foods Are Protective

One of the tools which can help our immune system be as strong and resilient as possible, as well as avoid use of unnecessary pharmaceutical products, is our diet. Since the 1990s, foods “high in antioxidants” have been promoted as super foods that will do everything from keeping us young to preventing cancer. We are told that a diet rich in berries, kale, and dark chocolate…

Mercury Poisoning

Mercury Poisoning

We’ve all heard that too much mercury exposure, especially from fish, can be bad for us. But liquid mercury was used as far back as 3,500 years ago and was found in Egyptian tombs. It’s also called quicksilver, like the X-man character, because it’s fast-moving and surprisingly heavy, originally named after the wing-footed god and […]

How the FDA Controls the Media

How the FDA Controls the Media

Embargoes have been used in journalism since the 1920s. It’s a deal between journalists and their sources, which gives the journalist access to a story on the condition that it’s not published before a certain date and time. Some institutions, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), further control media coverage by offering briefings to…

Is There Objective Evidence HPV Vaccination Programs are Unjustified?

Is There Objective Evidence HPV Vaccination Programs are Unjustified?

Part of the panel was meant to deal with the HPV vaccine, namely is there any objective to show that the current HPV vaccine program is not justified and what is the evidence, if any, that the HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer and, therefore, can offer long-term benefits, because that’s the basis that they’re being […]

The Changing Role of Pediatricians

The Changing Role of Pediatricians

As soon as they know a baby is on the way, one of the preparatory tasks most first-time parents go through is finding a pediatrician. Using a separate pediatrician for children instead of relying on the family doctor is actually a relatively new idea. As soon as they know a baby is on the way, one of the preparatory tasks most first-time parents go through is finding a pediatrician.

Childhood Vaccine Schedule: Where is the Science?

Americans have been carefully taught to fully trust the recommendations made by medical doctors and public health officials, and many do trust without questioning. After all, we expect and want to believe that the recommendations being made by the “medical experts” are evidence-based and thoroughly tested for safety. In the case of the childhood vaccine schedule recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease…

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