Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


CDC Wants to Expand Power to Eliminate Measles | Barbara Loe Fisher

CDC Wants to Expand Power to Eliminate Measles  | Barbara Loe Fisher

I remember the day in 2007, when I was standing in front of a Maryland country courthouse videotaping interviews with mothers and fathers lined up with children, who had been thrown out of school for failing to show proof they had gotten chickenpox and hepatitis B shots. State public health officials were threatening the parents with fines and jail time and suddenly, as we…

CDC Bets Farm on Zika Based on Conclusion of Rasmussen, Jamieson, Honein & Petersen Paper

CDC Bets Farm on Zika Based on Conclusion of Rasmussen, Jamieson, Honein & Petersen Paper

On Apr. 13, 2016, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confidently announced that its scientists had concluded that, “after careful review of existing evidence,” the Zika virus was indeed “a cause of microcephaly and other severe fetal brain defects.” Within hours, articles appeared in major newspapers around relaying to the world the important news. A headline…

Lynching the Vaccine Freethinker Bob Sears

Lynching the Vaccine Freethinker Bob Sears

So, we already know that most medical doctors in the United States know next to nothing about vaccines and how they effect a person’s immune system, brain, and gut microbiome. We know this because it is an established fact that medical schools in the U.S. teach next…

EpiPen’s Notorious Marketing Model

EpiPen’s Notorious Marketing Model

It’s a great business model: Start (or find) a life-threatening trend, develop (or acquire) a product absolutely necessary to counteract that trend, then gradually raise the cost until you find the highest price the market will bear. No wonder Mylan, the company that owns the EpiPen, is being compared—and unfavorably yet—to Turing Pharmaceuticals and its former chief executive Marti Shkreli, the man…

Role of the Microbiome in Infant Development

Role of the Microbiome in Infant Development

The human microbiome plays a vital role in overall health, with new information flooding in nearly every day. Defined as “the sum of all microbial life living in or on the human body,” the microbiome is a vibrant community of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that constantly evolves throughout the life cycle as it adapts to environmental, dietary, and life changes. Alterations…

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