BMJ Letter to the Editor Questions Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies
In a recent letter to the editor published in the medical journal The BMJ titled “We DO need a broad look at vaccination policies and programs,” Allan Cunningham, MD wrote that he agreed with a letter to the journal from Bernadette Pajer of Informed Choice Washington regarding the need to thoughtfully review the effect of […]
Rice Study Predicts 19 Percent Efficacy for 2018-2019 Influenza Vaccine
A computer-based tool developed as part of a study by researchers at Rice University in Texas is gauging the anticipated efficacy of this season’s influenza vaccine at 19 percent. The tool, known as pEpitope, is a computational model measuring critical differences in the genetic sequences of circulating strains of influenza virus. Other flu vaccine efficacy […]
Doctors Claim it is Safe to Vaccinate Kids Even After Vaccine Reactions
Story Highlights Authors of a new study claim that it is safe to revaccinate children after they have suffered an adverse reaction, particularly when if the first reaction was mild or moderate. Canadian researchers analyzed almost 20 years of records for 5,600 children for whom an adverse vaccine reaction had been reported. Of those, 1,731 were […]
Viagra and Flu Vaccine to Stop Cancer?
It has been another dismal season for the beleaguered influenza vaccine, during which it proved barely effective for preventing influenza infection for yet another year. Now new claims have surfaced that could boost market share beyond manufacturers’ wildest dreams: The flu vaccine may stop the spread of cancer! And there’s more: It does so in when it’s combined with the popular erectile dysfunction drug Viagra!
Indian Study Reveals Birth Dose of Hepatitis B Vaccine Unnecessary
A study funded by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and published in the Indian Journal of Pediatrics was recently conducted by a group of pediatricians to examine if the birth dose of the hepatitis B vaccine is crucial for acquiring full immunity against hepatitis B infection.
Study: Cows Used to Develop HIV Vaccine
Findings from a study published in Nature in July 2017 reveal that scientists are using cows to better understand the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and develop an HIV vaccine. After decades of research, including clinical trials of different HIV vaccine candidates, there is still no effective vaccine because the virus mutates…