Friday, May 17, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Forced Vaccination and Nonviolent Civil Disobedience

3 brave women

There they were, quietly standing with arms locked on a street next to the California state Capitol building on Monday, Sept. 9, 2019 and refusing to move: a grandmother and two young mothers. Carol, Lisa and Lauren were there with other parents to beg the California legislature to show mercy and allow enlightened doctors with […]

My Son Was Harmed by the DPT Shot | Barbara Loe Fisher

My Son Was Harmed by the DPT Shot | Barbara Loe Fisher

I was a first-time mom. [I had] a little boy in 1980, when I took him in for a fourth DPT shot. And back then, parents hadn’t been told anything about vaccines, the fact that they could cause reactions, injuries, deaths. So he actually had DPT and oral polio vaccine that day, and within hours […]

Asymptomatic Carriers of Diphtheria Identified in Canadian School

diphtheria bacteria

Story Highlights A case of diphtheria has been confirmed in an elementary school in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Three other people, who are asymptomatic carriers of the bacterial disease have been identified and are being treated in isolation. The diphtheria vaccine is only available as a combination vaccine (DT, Td, DTaP, Tdap) and its effectiveness wanes over […]

Comparing the Health of Children in Japan and America

Japanese children walking to school

Story Highlights Japanese children are recognized as among the healthiest in the world, while American children compare poorly, despite the U.S. spending more than any other country on health care. Japan’s vaccine policy is non-compulsory, with vaccines considered either “routine” or “voluntary” but never forced. High rates of adverse events following MMR and HPV vaccinations […]

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