Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Are There Vaccines in Our Food Supply?

Are There Vaccines in Our Food Supply?

In my previous articles, we looked at the global war on farmers, the organizations pushing for the Great Food Reset, the tactics used to foist these changes on the public, and the projects underway to remove your access to healthy, farm-fresh foods. Today we will delve into the contentious issue of vaccines in the food […]

Former CDC Director Admits the Truth

Former CDC Director Admits the Truth

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, anyone who questioned lockdowns, mask mandates, the lab leak, or school closures was vilified by the media, politicians, and the “expert” community. Unproven policies without any supporting evidence, as even Dr. Anthony Fauci now admits, were suddenly immutable truths that could not be questioned. Those who […]

A New Openness to the Reality of Vaccine Injury?

A New Openness to the Reality of Vaccine Injury?

Normally, when you do a search on Google for “vaccine” of any variant of the word or phrase which includes the word, all you find is articles or websites that proclaim the wonders of vaccines—how these biologic drugs saved humanity from just about everything. You seldom find mention on Google of the downside of these […]

COVID Shots and Rise in Excess Deaths in Many Countries

COVID Shots and Rise in Excess Deaths in Many Countries

A recent study published in the British medical journal The BMJ found a total of 3,089,465 “excess deaths” reported in 47 Western countries during the first three years of the COVID-19 pandemic—from Jan. 1, 2020 through Dec. 31, 2022. The study, conducted by researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands, suggests that part of the […]

Tedros Must Face Reality

Tedros Must Face Reality

It would be easier to ignore the World Health Assembly’s (WHA) deliberations in Geneva this week, but the opening address of the Director-General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, deserves a response. Both the WHO and its director are completely divorcing themselves from reality, illustrating how dangerous and unfit for purpose the WHO has become. There is clearly no way that […]

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