Saturday, September 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Safety of Mercury in Vaccines: Sorry Dr. Summers, No Cigar

Safety of Mercury in Vaccines: Sorry Dr. Summers, No Cigar

On February 17, 2017, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Robert De Niro held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Among those joining them was Del Bigtree, producer of the movie Vaxxed. The conference was moderated by investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, host of the Sunday TV news program Full Measure.

Trump Sets Off Media Firestorm With Proposed Vaccine Safety Review Panel

Trump Sets Off Media Firestorm With Proposed Vaccine Safety Review Panel

Only nine days away from his swearing-in as president, Donald Trump held his first press conference since the election and announced that the pharmaceutical industry was “getting away with murder” and that during his presidency he would do something about high drug prices with more competitive bidding for federal contracts.

Cleveland Clinic Doctor’s Free Speech About Vaccine Safety Attacked

Cleveland Clinic Doctor’s Free Speech About Vaccine Safety Attacked

On January 6, 2017, an article by Daniel Neides, MD, the CEO and medical director of Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute was published on a website associated with the Cleveland Clinic, in which the doctor asked questions and expressed concerns about the safety of vaccines and the government recommended early childhood…

Merck’s Ebola Vaccine, A Christmas Gift for the World: Really?

Merck’s Ebola Vaccine, A Christmas Gift for the World: Really?

The media is in a tizzy over the recent trial results of Merck’s experimental Ebola vaccine, rVSV-ZEBOV (recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus-Zaire Ebola Virus). “New Ebola Vaccine Gives 100 Percent Protection,” reads a headline in The New York Times. The headline in Science Alert sounds even more conclusive… “It’s Official: We Finally Have…

Scapegoating Anti-Vaxxers for the Mumps Outbreaks: How Predictable

Scapegoating Anti-Vaxxers for the Mumps Outbreaks: How Predictable

Wanna see an example of superbly unscientific, unreferenced, and ridiculously biased opinion writing? Take a look at Steven Salzburg’s piece in Forbes magazine titled “Anti-Vax Movement To Blame For Quadrupling Of Mumps Cases This Year”. It’s a doozy, particularly given that Salzburg himself (in the comment section)…

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