Tuesday, May 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Hippocrates: “Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine”

“You are what you eat.” There’s a scary thought for you, but it can also be an empowering one. Before the introduction of processed, prepared, canned, boxed, frozen, powdered, freeze-dried or instant “convenience foods,” the type of food we ate was a non-issue. We ate local because that’s what was available; from the time human beings started to settle in one place…

By Request, A Recipe for Master Tonic

There are multiple references on the Internet for this recipe, which by all accounts was adapted by Dr. Richard Schulze, a renowned authority on natural healing, from an anti-plague tonic created by his mentor, the late Dr. John Christopher. As discussed in the TVR article, “Healing During Flu and Cold Season With Nature’s Powerful Ingredients” by Rishma Parpia, the…

Healing During Flu and Cold Season With Nature’s Powerful Ingredients

As we transition from summer into the fall and winter seasons, flu and cold outbreaks are to be expected. But what can you do to prevent or reduce the symptoms of these common illnesses? Traditionally, herbal remedies have been used as immune boosting preventatives without interfering and altering your body’s natural immune system. Such remedies are still used…

The Importance of the Human Gut Microbiome

What do acute anxiety, diabetes, obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis and autism spectrum disorders have in common? They, along with many other disorders, have all been linked to an imbalance of intestinal health, more specifically of the human microbiome, defined by the microorganisms that inhabit the gut. Historically speaking, there is…

Should We Fear Getting Sick? A Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originated in ancient China and is one of the oldest healing systems practiced for thousands of years. The discipline relies on the following four guiding principles: The body is an integrated whole—All parts of your body are interconnected and each part plays an integral role to its harmonious functioning as a whole; this includes your…

Modern Life Depletes Your Gut Microbes

Your intestinal microflora—aka your microbiome—is an integral part of your immune system, and over the past several years, research has revealed that microbes of all kinds—bacteria, fungi, and even viruses—play instrumental roles in the functioning of your body. For example, beneficial bacteria, also known as probiotics, have been shown to: Counteract inflammation…

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