Sunday, September 22, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Industry Lobbying: Profits Before Health?

Industry Lobbying: Profits Before Health?

Most of the money that flows through the political system in America originates from special interest groups. Corporations, industry groups, labor unions and single-issue organizations spend billions of dollars each year on campaign contributions and lobbying to gain access to the government policy and law-making process with the ultimate goal of…

The Changing Role of Pediatricians

The Changing Role of Pediatricians

As soon as they know a baby is on the way, one of the preparatory tasks most first-time parents go through is finding a pediatrician. Using a separate pediatrician for children instead of relying on the family doctor is actually a relatively new idea. As soon as they know a baby is on the way, one of the preparatory tasks most first-time parents go through is finding a pediatrician.

How Big Pharma Maintains Compliance, Brand Loyalty & Market Share

How Big Pharma Maintains Compliance, Brand Loyalty & Market Share

What can pharmaceutical companies do when their target audience cannot or will not comply with their prescribed medication recommendation? They target the caregiver, of course. For some patients, especially the mentally ill or the elderly, compliance is an issue. And Big Pharma does not want patients to miss a single dose of their medication. Compliance techniques are very…

Industry-Sponsored Research: Parallels Between the Vaccine and Tobacco Industry

Industry-Sponsored Research: Parallels Between the Vaccine and Tobacco Industry

Industry-sponsored research has become the norm in the United States. In fact, most U.S. clinical trials within the fields of science and medicine, notably within the pharmaceutical sector, are now funded by industry. This has created a plethora of opportunities for funders to create data to fit their business agenda, thus creating a dilemma articulated in American author Upton Sinclair’s…

World Vaccine Market Will Be Worth $77.5 Billion by 2024

World Vaccine Market Will Be Worth .5 Billion by 2024

A new market study by Grand View Research, Inc. of San Francisco, CA estimates the value of the world vaccine market at $32.5 billion in 2015. The study forecasts the market to grow to $77.5 billion by 2024. Grand View Research attributes the growth mainly to the “rising demand for better healthcare infrastructure and high awareness levels of the…

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