Saturday, September 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Johnson & Johnson Recalls Carcinogen Containing Sunscreen Products

Johnson & Johnson Recalls Carcinogen Containing Sunscreen Products

On July 14, 2021, Johnson and Johnson Consumer, Inc. voluntarily recalled all batches of five NEUTROGENA and AVEENO aerosol sunscreen product lines distributed to consumers through a variety of retail channels. The corporation recalled the products after a cancer causing chemical known as benzene was detected in samples. The products were distributed nationwide and Johnson […]

75 Percent COVID-19 Vaccination Rate Among U.S. Hospital Workers

75 Percent COVID-19 Vaccination Rate Among U.S. Hospital Workers

An analysis conducted by WebMD and Medscape Medical News from data collected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from 2,500 hospitals across the United States revealed that, as of late May 2021, one in four hospital workers caring for patients had not received a COVID-19 vaccination.1 Many Hospital Workers Are Refusing […]

Former FDA Chief Stephen Hahn Joins Venture Capital Firm Behind Moderna COVID Vaccine

Former FDA Chief Stephen Hahn Joins Venture Capital Firm Behind Moderna COVID Vaccine

Stephen Hahn, MD, who served as commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from Dec. 17, 2019 through Jan. 20, 2021, has been hired by Flagship Pioneering Co.—the venture capital firm that launched biotechnology Moderna, Inc., maker of the experimental mRNA-1273 COVID-19 biologic currently being distributed in the United States under an emergency […]

40 Percent of U.S. Marines Opting Out of COVID-19 Vaccination

40 Percent of U.S. Marines Opting Out of COVID-19 Vaccination

Story Highlights Among U.S. military forces, the rate of refusal for the experimental COVID-19 vaccines is reportedly at about 33 percent but may be higher. A new report shows that the number of Marines declining COVID-19 vaccinations may be closer to 40 percent. To date, the military cannot mandate COVID-19 vaccinations because the FDA only […]

Poll: Half of Correctional Officers Do Not Want COVID-19 Vaccine

Poll: Half of Correctional Officers Do Not Want COVID-19 Vaccine

When a correctional officer took a poll of his co-workers on a private Facebook group asking whether they would get the COVID-19 vaccine, only 40 of 475 (8.4 percent) said yes and more than half replied, “Hell no”.1 This informal poll appears to represent the sentiment of Department of Corrections employees across the country. Despite […]

Moderna Expects $18.4 Billion in Sales from Its COVID-19 Vaccine This Year

Moderna Expects .4 Billion in Sales from Its COVID-19 Vaccine This Year

Moderna, Inc. expects to generate $18.4 billion from sales of its experimental mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine being distributed in the U.S. under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This will be the first time that the U.S. based pharmaceutical company will make a profit since it was established in […]

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