Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Research Linked to Leading Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease May Have Been Fabricated

Research Linked to Leading Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease May Have Been Fabricated

For nearly two decades, Alzheimer’s disease research, research funding, and prescribed drugs have been centered around a 2006 research paper hypothesizing that the cognitive decline causing the debilitating disease is due to buildup in the brain of a protein called the amyloid beta (Aβ) protein. But a recent investigation is questioning whether the data in […]

Herpes Zoster Reactivated Following mRNA COVID Shots, Studies Show

Herpes Zoster Reactivated Following mRNA COVID Shots, Studies Show

Concerns about the adverse effects of mRNA COVID-19 shots continue to grow a year and a half after they began to be distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted to Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Cases of herpes zoster (HZ) following messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID shots have been […]

Health Care Workers Denied COVID Vaccine Religious Exemptions Will Be Paid $10.3 Million

Health Care Workers Denied COVID Vaccine Religious Exemptions Will Be Paid .3 Million

NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore), which operates six hospitals in the Chicago area, agreed to pay approximately $10.3 million to employees who were discriminated against and denied religious exemptions from the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate in an historic class action settlement against a private employer.1 2 3 Liberty Counsel filed a class action lawsuit against […]

Besties: Twitter, Facebook, Google, CDC, NIH, WHO

Besties: Twitter, Facebook, Google, CDC, NIH, WHO

Many of us with a libertarian frame of mind presume as a matter of theory that the interests of business are at odds with those of government. That’s generally true for businesses of a certain size. The regulations and taxes one faces in running an enterprise in the “land of free” are utterly shocking, as […]

Barbara Loe Fisher Talks About the COVID-19 Vaccine

Barbara Loe Fisher Talks About the COVID-19 Vaccine

I have this panoramic view. I look back and I see the trajectory. I see trends over time. In a way, we’re talking about the same issue that has not been dealt with properly, and that is the science has  never been done on any of the vaccines, but particularly with this [COVID-19] vaccine, to […]

Chemical Imbalance Not a Major Cause of Depression, Studies Find

Chemical Imbalance Not a Major Cause of Depression, Studies Find

A new study published recently in the Journal of Molecular Psychiatry questions the hypothesis that serotonin inhibition is the cause of most depression disorders. About 21 million Americans are affected by major depressive disorder with one in six Americans taking antidepressant medication.1 2 3 The serotonin theory of depression came about in the 1950’s when […]

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