Wednesday, September 18, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

Opinion | More than 100,000 people flooded streets in France over the weekend and multiple COVID vaccination centers were vandalized as opposition grew to the government’s most recent pandemic strategy. In President Emmanuel Macron’s latest incarnation of lockdowns, government officials have decreed that unvaccinated individuals will no longer be allowed to enter cafes, restaurants, theaters, public transportation and […]

Women Experiencing Enlarged Breast Lymph Nodes After COVID-19 Vaccination

Women Experiencing Enlarged Breast Lymph Nodes After COVID-19 Vaccination

Soon after the United States began rolling out experimental COVID-19 vaccines distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), doctors began seeing an influx of female patients making mammogram appointments after the women experienced enlarged lymph nodes, known as axillary lymphadenopathy, in the armpit area after receiving a dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.1 Laura Esserman, MD, […]

NFL Tackles Polarizing New COVID-19 Vaccine Rules Restrictions

NFL Tackles Polarizing New COVID-19 Vaccine Rules Restrictions

The National Football League (NFL) has announced they will enforce strict new COVID vaccination, masking and testing rules this football season due to the availability of experimental COVID-19 vaccines, which are currently being distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The NFL lost an estimated three  to […]

COVID Vaccines Not Proven to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection or Transmission

COVID Vaccines Not Proven to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection or Transmission

After analyzing data from a July 2021 Provincetown, Massachusetts COVID-19 outbreak where 74 percent of those infected and diagnosed were fully vaccinated, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced last month that vaccinated individuals can become infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and transmit it to others. Expressing “alarm” at this new information, the government agency in charge of protecting the public health doubled down on imperatives for a return to masking, including for the vaccinated, and more vaccination.

Thousands Protest in U.K. Against ‘Fascist’ Vaccine Passports

Thousands Protest in U.K. Against ‘Fascist’ Vaccine Passports

The vaccine passport issue is the final straw really. We’re not going to have freedoms to do anything at all. It’s the thin end of the wedge and it’s so tyrannical I’ve had enough. The funny thing is all these conspiracy theories that exist seem to be coming true. I’ve never even been on a […]

Worry About Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine Safety Persists

Worry About Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine Safety Persists

Worry about the safety of the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen experimental human advenovirus COVID-19 vaccine persists after a ten-day pause on distribution of the vaccine earlier this year.1 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warnings of heart and neurological issues2 and, most recently, a published study suggesting that the J&J vaccine is far less effective against the […]

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