Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Infant Boy in India Dies After Getting Pentavalent Vaccine

Infant Boy in India Dies After Getting Pentavalent Vaccine

Three-month-old Rohan Kumar died on Feb. 6, 2020 after receiving the “5-in-1” pentavalent (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type B) vaccine at a government health center in Ramgarh, India.1 2 An investigation into the infant boy’s death was ordered by the local health department. A rural child health officer was tasked with […]

Big Pharma Pulls the Strings in Maine

Big Pharma Pulls the Strings in Maine

Trust but verify! Recently, Dr. Laura Blaisdell told [the people of Maine) during a radio that her ‘No on 1’ coalition includes a group of trusted, local physicians. These are the same people who stroll around the state capitol [in Augusta] donning their lab coats. Their subliminal message of superiority is not missed on the […]

Children in Local County Getting Cancer, Rare Sicknesses

Children in Local County Getting Cancer, Rare Sicknesses

In Highland County, dozens of children have gotten cancer and other rare and deadly diseases. The health commissioner says he hasn’t found a spike in cases but people who live there, they disagree. … In Hillsborough in Highland County, children are getting cancer and rare diseases. We’re from a small town and this can’t be […]

Vaccines are Kind of Like the Emperor’s New Clothes

Vaccines are Kind of Like the Emperor’s New Clothes

Whether or not one supports the removal of religious exemptions to vaccination, the discussion about the issue should at least be accurate and honest. Sadly, agenda-driven hyperbole has hijacked the narrative in recent years, and oft-repeated mistruths have evolved to become widely-accepted dogma that may not be questioned. It is time to call out the […]

Iowa Bill Requires Infant Death Certificates to Include Vaccine Information

Iowa Bill Requires Infant Death Certificates to Include Vaccine Information

A bill is working its way through the Iowa legislature that would require medical examiners to include information on the medical examiners form used to fill out the death certificate about recent vaccinations given to any child under age three who dies of any cause. The bill, SF 2302, passed the Iowa Senate’s Human Resources […]

Adenovirus Based Coronavirus Vaccine Being Tested

Adenovirus Based Coronavirus Vaccine Being Tested

Greffex, Inc., a privately-held, multinational genetic engineering company headquartered in Houston, Texas has announced that it has completed development of a vaccine for the COVID-19 coronavirus. The vaccine will now proceed to testing in laboratory animals under supervision by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and regulatory agencies in China.1 Greffex Got $18.9M from […]

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