Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


AMA Wants Minors to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Consent

AMA Wants Minors to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Consent

The American Medical Association (AMA) has voted on June 10, 2019 to give “mature” children the power to consent to vaccinations and override the wishes of their parents if they choose. According to Sarp Aksel, MD, who represents the AMA in New York, “Minors who have demonstrated capacity and who are able to provide informed […]

Texas Legislator Calls Out Dr. Hotez for Attacking Parental Rights

Texas Legislator Calls Out Dr. Hotez for Attacking Parental Rights

On May 7, 2019, there was a short exchange of tweets on Twitter between pediatrician Peter Hotez, MD, PhD and Rep. Jonathan Strickland of the Texas House of Representatives. Dr. Hotez wrote: New exemption numbers tell much of the story. I’ll tell the rest: Children of have been placed in harm’s way for the financial […]

CDC: “Measles Elimination Status” Could End in U.S.

CDC: “Measles Elimination Status” Could End in U.S.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned on May 30, 2019 that, if the current measles outbreak continues, the U.S. could lose its measles elimination status that has been in effect since 2000. According to the agency: “If these outbreaks continue through summer and fall, the United States may lose its measles elimination […]

Another MMR Failure With Mumps Outbreak in Florida

Another MMR Failure With Mumps Outbreak in Florida

An outbreak of mumps in 12 fully vaccinated students attending University of Florida, Gainesville campus had county health officials scratching their heads at the end of May. According to one media report, an Alachua County Health Department spokesperson said, “These things do happen. It’s a phenomenon that’s not completely understood,” and reassured students and the […]

Measles Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Measles Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Following is a short summary of a longer special report “What Is Going On With Measles? The Science and Politics of Eradicating Measles” that can be read on NVIC’s website here. This year, the fear mongering about measles has reached epidemic proportions in America. A day doesn’t go by without media outlets publishing angry articles […]

FDA Approves Medical Device to Treat Children With ADHD

FDA Approves Medical Device to Treat Children With ADHD

Story Highlights The FDA recently approved a medical device known as called Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation System (eTNS) for treating children diagnosed with ADHD. The methodology of the clinical trial used to test the safety and efficacy of the electrical nerve stimulation device was flawed, which has raised concerns about safety. There are glaring […]

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