Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Americans Are on More Drugs Than Ever

Americans Are on More Drugs Than Ever

If you’re a U.S. adult and don’t regularly take a prescription drug, you’re now in the minority, according to a survey of nearly 2,000 U.S. adults by Consumer Reports.1 The revealing sample found that more than half of U.S. adults regularly take prescription medications, and the average adult takes four.

Clinical Study Explores mRNA-Based Technology for Vaccines

Clinical Study Explores mRNA-Based Technology for Vaccines

On July 25, 2017, the British journal The Lancet published results of an early-stage trial that could herald the arrival of a whole new class of vaccines. CureVac, a German biopharmaceutical company that focuses on therapeutic applications using messenger RNA (mRNA), announced “proof of concept” results from their Phase I study…

Safety Implications of Microneedle Patches for Influenza Vaccine

Safety Implications of Microneedle Patches for Influenza Vaccine

A phase I clinical trial conducted by Emory University in collaboration with the Georgia Institute of Technology has found that influenza vaccination using Band-Aid-like patches with dissolvable microneedles is safe and was well-tolerated by the study’s participants. According to the Emory…

First of Its Kind Survey Shows Vaccinated Children Get Sicker

First of Its Kind Survey Shows Vaccinated Children Get Sicker

The scientific publication Journal of Translational Science has published one of the first surveys to formally assess the longer-term health outcomes associated with the United States routine childhood vaccination program. Primarily authored by Dr. Anthony R. Mawson (a public health epidemiologist…

A Few Words on Mandatory Vaccinations

A Few Words on Mandatory Vaccinations

Mandatory vaccination is an assault on individual liberty. Until we recognize it as such, there will be no solution to this problem. The solution lies in protecting individual liberty against the state What we need to do is to establish a limitation on the power of the state to vaccinate only in extraordinary circumstances. The […]

Back to the Future: Shalala Takes Away Compensation for DPT Injured Children

Back to the Future: Shalala Takes Away Compensation for DPT Injured Children

In a calculated move designed to bolster the federal government’s claim that the DPT vaccine does not kill or injure children, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Donna Shalala and her department published final rules in the Federal Register (Vo. 60, No. 26 – Wed. Feb. 8, 1995) that effectively…

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