Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


The Big Gamble

The Big Gamble

I was the parent of a vaccine injured child. My son was injured by the DPT vaccine in 1984 and developed an uncontrolled seizure disorder. The vaccine industry, including the government agencies mandated with the responsibility for vaccine oversight, are gambling. They are gambling that the best way to preserve public confidence in the vaccine program is to deny and disavow any claims…

Getting a Flu Shot No Guarantee It Will Work | Barbara Loe Fisher

Getting a Flu Shot No Guarantee It Will Work | Barbara Loe Fisher

Like a lot of people, in January when I suddenly developed a high fever (101 F), body aches, fatigue, nasal congestion and cough, I thought for sure it was influenza, which I had not experienced for decades. Turns out, according to a recently released CDC report, in the 2016-2017 flu season the odds are only about one in 10 that flu like illness symptoms are, in fact, caused by type A or B influenza.

Pesticides: The ‘Silent Spring’ Continues

Pesticides: The ‘Silent Spring’ Continues

Rachel Carson’s first book, “Under the Sea-Wind,” was a beautiful masterpiece that celebrated the beauty of birds and sea creatures in their natural habitat. It painted a vivid, yet mysterious picture of a never-before-seen world. Though it received early praise, the book never hit stores and ultimately flopped as its release coincided with the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Media Bias When Reporting Influenza-Related Deaths

Media Bias When Reporting Influenza-Related Deaths

When “flu season” arrives each year, it is accompanied by a surge of media reports about children who have died from influenza. Many of these stories focus on the dangers of contracting influenza, which usually leads to the journalist or media outlet to emphasize the need for everyone to get an annual flu shot regardless of whether it is effective or not. In many cases, the death…

Science Teacher May Be Disciplined for Urging Students Be Informed of Vaccination Risks

Science Teacher May Be Disciplined for Urging Students Be Informed of Vaccination Risks

In March 2015, science teacher Timothy Sullivan approached public health nurses administering vaccines to high school students at his school in Waterford, Ontario, Canada and asked whether they had appropriately informed the students about the potential risks of the shots they were giving. He noted that the teenagers were required to give informed consent and the nurses…

NIH to Test Mosquito Saliva Protein Vaccine Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases Like Zika

NIH to Test Mosquito Saliva Protein Vaccine Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases Like Zika

The U.S. National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is recruiting 60 men and women for a Phase I clinical trial who will volunteer to be injected with an experimental vaccine containing synthetic proteins from mosquito saliva, then bitten by mosquitoes. The trial design is supposed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the new…

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