Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


The Vaccine Science is Unsettled

The Vaccine Science is Unsettled

The foundation of scientific research on human health is the clinical study, and the strength and reliability of conclusions reached is a direct reflection of the study methods used in that research. If the trial design is sound and the research methods followed with integrity, the results will be robust. If not, the results are going to remain…

Hepatitis B Vaccine Global Market to Grow Over Next Decade

Hepatitis B Vaccine Global Market to Grow Over Next Decade

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease of the liver caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV). The symptoms of the disease do not develop until after a few weeks of exposure. Hepatitis B is usually transmitted from an infected person blood, semen and other body fluids. Hepatitis B is primarily an adult disease passed from person to person…

The Shadow of the Thalidomide Tragedy

The Shadow of the Thalidomide Tragedy

In 1960, a new wonder drug was slated to arrive on American shores—a sedative that was said to treat a range of other ills.  A hypnotic, as the doctors call it, that was the answer to a prayer. Its generic name was Thalidomide. The hallmark defining quality of Thalidomide was its safety. So safe that, […]

Childhood Flu Could Predict Future Vulnerability

Childhood Flu Could Predict Future Vulnerability

The press release subhead reads: “UCLA, Arizona researchers explain that birth year may largely determine people’s risk for serious illness in an influenza pandemic.” It sounds vaguely astrological, as if our birth date predicts our future health. In fact, it introduces an interesting scientific hypothesis for why some people are…

I Was Told To Ask the “Older” Generation About Vaccines… So I Did

I Was Told To Ask the “Older” Generation About Vaccines… So I Did

If you’re young, and you don’t support vaccines, you’ve probably been told at least a few dozen times that the reason you don’t vaccinate is because you’ve had the luxury of living in a time where “vaccine preventable diseases” aren’t prevalent. Just ask a grandparent or someone who had polio and they’ll tell you the story of how vaccines saved the day and just how devastating measles and chicken pox really were. Their testimonies are valid… unless of course you actually have a grandparent whose lived an entire century and can tell you how things really were, or you have a friend who had polio and…

Are Doctors Being Trained to Manipulate Patients About Vaccines?

Are Doctors Being Trained to Manipulate Patients About Vaccines?

The number of parents questioning the safety of vaccines, the ingredients used, and the expanding 70-dose CDC schedule is growing, and medical organizations are trying to understand why. Numerous studies have been conducted to learn the reasons more parents are selectively refusing vaccines and what tactics may…

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