Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Here’s Where Aluminum Goes When It’s Injected Into Your Body from a Vaccine

While mercury (Thimerosal) has been removed from most vaccines, it is, unfortunately, still included in some vaccines for children and the elderly, and in some vaccines administered in certain developing nations. There are over 150 studies on organic-mercury used as a preservative in various vaccines, and over a dozen of them found outcomes of death, malformation, autoimmune…

A Sick and Unproductive America: The New Norm

A Sick and Unproductive America: The New Norm

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is defined as “the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period.” It is a “broad measurement of a nation’s overall economic activity.” In the past decade, economic growth in the United States—as reflected by GDP—has risen as high as 2.7% in 2006 and dropped to as…

Microcephaly Cases in Brazil Vastly Overestimated

Microcephaly Cases in Brazil Vastly Overestimated

A study published in the The Lancet on Feb. 6, 2016, reported that, prior to 2015, the number of reported suspected cases of microcephaly in infants born in Brazil had remained “consistently below 200” each year. Between mid-2015 and Jan. 30, 2016, the number of suspected cases of microcephaly reported totaled 4,783. Thus, in just half a year, the total number of suspected…

Free the Kids—Dirt is Good

Free the Kids—Dirt is Good

Who spends more time outside, a child… or a maximum-security prisoner? Watch this film to find out. This video looks inside the mind’s of prison inmates to find out exactly how much their outdoor time means to them. The ‘Free the Kids’ campaign is brought to you by Dirt is Good, an initiative to get kids spending more time outside.

New York Aerial Sprays Altosid and VectoBac Pesticides to Combat Zika

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is spraying city neighborhoods against mosquitoes that may carry and spread the Zika virus, which officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) have concluded is the cause of the infant birth defect microcephaly. New York City public health officials…

Many Doctors Vaccinate Out of Fear

Many Doctors Vaccinate Out of Fear

I feel sorry for many doctors. I really do. It must be a terrible thing to live and work in fear. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about the fear of making a mistake and harming your patient, as in the following observation by Danielle Ofri, MD: “Every doctor can tell you of times when she or he was terrified; most can list more episodes than you might wish to hear.

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