Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Healing During Flu and Cold Season With Nature’s Powerful Ingredients

As we transition from summer into the fall and winter seasons, flu and cold outbreaks are to be expected. But what can you do to prevent or reduce the symptoms of these common illnesses? Traditionally, herbal remedies have been used as immune boosting preventatives without interfering and altering your body’s natural immune system. Such remedies are still used…

Thimerosal Monkey Study Fuels Media Smugfest Despite Unanswered Questions

Newsweek magazine published a lengthy article on October 2, 2015 titled “Anti-Vaxxers Accidentally Fund a Study Showing No Link Between Autism and Vaccines,” written by Jessica Firger. It’s about a study funded by SafeMinds, a 501(c)3 non-profit “grassroots organization comprised of parents, self-advocates, scientists, clinicians, government relations specialists…

No Medical Exemption for You

When vaccine risks turn out to be 100% for you or your child, you are expected to quietly accept that you are “unavoidable collateral damage” in the war on microorganisms. This cruel utilitarian rationale, also known as “the ends justify the means,” has been used by public health officials and medical trade groups to narrow the medical vaccine exemption, so that, today, almost no medical condition qualifies as an official reason for a doctor to grant someone a medical exemption to vaccination. At the same time, there are no good biological mechanism studies or large clinical trials validating the…

Honduran Coups, Vaccines…

Honduran Coups, Vaccines…

For many years when I would travel to Honduras, I would ask my friends and relatives why things were the way they were in that country (I was born there but emigrated with my parents to the United States when I was 4 or 5 years old). It seemed that no matter what Honduran governments did, the country was never able to pull itself out of its misery of extreme poverty…

HPV Vaccines Raise International Red Flags

HPV Vaccines Raise International Red Flags

The debate has always been hot about the risk-benefit ratio of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, ever since Merck’s Gardasil-4 vaccine was fast tracked to licensure by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006 followed by persistent reports of young girls suffering serious health problems after vaccination. Now, new international investigations and reports of failure are hitting the headlines, prompting additional worries about severe reactions to HPV vaccines. Three HPV vaccines are available both in the United States and the European Union. Merck and…

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