The Great Booster Bust

Despite eschewing much of social media, television, and trendy media stories, I still couldn’t avoid major mainstream news reports in 2021 and 2022 covering entertainment news about gormless Hollywood/social media types and political officials (who increasingly seem to preen about like Hollywood entertainers) making embarrassing spectacles of themselves getting their mRNA shots and/or gushing online […]
More Vaccinated, Boosted U.S. Government Leaders Test Positive for Coronavirus

Since The Vaccine Reaction began publishing articles last year (Vaccinated Americans Count Their Blessings Despite Getting COVID and The Vaxxed and Boosted Get COVID But Praise Vaccines for “Mild” Symptoms) tracking members of the U.S. Congress who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, despite being fully vaccinated and boosted, dozens of additional U.S. Senators and Representatives have tested […]
Supreme Court Overturns Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Companies, Reinstates Mandate for 10 Million Health Care Workers

The U.S. Supreme Court decided two matters involving vaccine mandates by the Biden administration. The oral arguments, which were heard back-to-back, addressed whether the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) had the authority to enforce a federal mandate ordering private companies and organizations with 100 or more employees to compel their employees to get a […]
Senator Rand Paul Challenges HHS Secretary Becerra on Vaccine Mandates and Natural Immunity

Are you familiar with an Israeli study that had 2.5 million patients and found that the vaccinated group was actually seven times more likely to get infected with COVID than the people who had gotten COVID naturally? Well, you think you might want to be if you’re going to travel the country insulting the millions […]